{"id":762,"date":"2018-12-10T01:32:13","date_gmt":"2018-12-10T01:32:13","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/geostrategy.club\/2018\/12\/10\/jacques-hogard-europe-has-died-in-pristina\/"},"modified":"2024-06-27T10:05:59","modified_gmt":"2024-06-27T08:05:59","slug":"jacques-hogard-europe-has-died-in-pristina","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/geostrategy.club\/es\/jacques-hogard-europe-has-died-in-pristina\/","title":{"rendered":"Jacques Hogard: Europe has died in Pristina"},"content":{"rendered":"
Jacques Hogard in the European Parliament<\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n Conference: \u201eKOSOVO AND METOHIJA \u2013<\/u><\/em>EUROPEAN \u00a0CASE \u00a0OF\u00a0 VIOLENT \u00a0SECESSION\u201c<\/u><\/em><\/strong><\/span><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/p>\n Ladies and gentlemen,<\/span><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n I am pleased to be here today at the invitation of the Center for Geostrategic Studies in Belgrade, here in the European Parliament.<\/span><\/p>\n As a senior French officer, I served in Macedonia and then in Kosovo in the first half of 1999. When I was assigned to the French Special Operations Command, I was appointed as the head of the joint special forces group that intervened before the French KFOR Brigade\u2019s deployment under the command of NATO.<\/span><\/p>\n It is for this reason that I am speaking today, having published a few years ago a book with a deliberately provocative title: \u201eEurope has died in Pristina\u201c. If you have not read it, I recommend you to do it! There you will find my testimony on this tragic period.<\/span><\/p>\n \u00a0 If one speaks of Kosovo, its full name Kosovo-Metohija, it is indeed not possible to ignore the past of this region, the ancient past, the cultural and religious history, the history of the Serbian and Orthodox identity always present through the innumerable and very old monuments, churches, Serbian monasteries found throughout the province, but also the recent past, and especially the events of the 1990s that culminated in 1999 during the war that was imposed on Serbia, with the support of NATO and the European Union to the Albanian KLA rebellion.<\/span><\/p>\n It is in this context that I myself intervened in Kosovo at the head of French special forces under British command.<\/span><\/p>\n What struck me in Kosovo in 1999 was, first of all, the very large misinformation that preceded and justified the NATO aggression.<\/span><\/p>\n Indeed, it is because the word „genocide“ was pronounced by the American president Bill Clinton and his secretary of State Madeleine Albright – who gave the fatal and false figure of „100,000 dead“ in Kosovo – that the NATO will allow itself to attack Serbia in March 1999, after the unacceptable demands made by the Allies to the Serbs during the Rambouillet negotiations which forced them to refuse the Diktat the Allies wanted to impose on them.<\/span><\/p>\n However, it will be seen after the 1999 war that the number of the victims from all origins, all ethnic groups, civil or military, will be less than 6,000.<\/span><\/p>\n Which is far too much of course, but which has nothing to do with a „genocide“.<\/span><\/p>\n \u00a0 What struck me next was the disproportion of the military means used by the allied coalition against the little Serbia. I remember in particular massive and endless air bombings, which caused many innocent victims, not to mention the physical and psychological wounds.<\/span><\/p>\n It was clear that it was a question of a forcibly proceeding with the separation between the Republic of Serbia and its province of Kosovo, one could even say, the amputation of one of its most important territorial entities. And not just any, because while Kosovo-Metochia is today inhabited mostly by Albanians, this has not always been the case, and this province remains for the Serbs the historical, spiritual, cultural and identity core of their nation.<\/span><\/p>\n Of course, the UN Resolution 1244 (still in force, never refuted since 1999) allowed a \u2018de facto\u2019<\/em> separation, a separate administration, for an unspecified period, but clearly recalling Kosovo\u2019s membership in the Republic of Serbia.<\/span><\/p>\n Nevertheless, the goal has been reached and after the anti-Serb pogroms of 2004, intended to continue and speed up the ethnic cleansing, the scenario that happened in 2008 had the objective of fulfilling the goal that the Albanian rebellion has set for itself with the complicity of NATO : \u00a0the unilateral declaration of „independence“ of the so called „republic of Kosovo“.<\/span><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n This new „State“ is thus born of an unjust war, provoked on the European continent against a European state, certainly not member of the Union, by other European States, remotely controlled by the United States of America, in order to \u201cpunish\u201d Serbia for wanting to maintain the very principle of its sovereignty and territorial integrity by fighting an armed rebellion developing in the province of Kosovo and Metohija.<\/span><\/p>\n What would we say tomorrow in France if the department of Seine Saint Denis, now mostly populated by foreigners from North Africa, intended to proclaim itself as an „independent republic“?<\/span><\/p>\n This is basically the very problem of Kosovo.<\/span><\/p>\n This NATO aggression against Serbia over Kosovo in 1999 constitutes a violation of international law, a violation of respect for the sovereignty of States, a violation of intangible respect of borders.<\/span><\/p>\n And this puppet State \u2013 without identified resource \u2013 unsustainable as such \u2013 is now a source of very strong tensions throughout the Balkans. We see it every day or almost.<\/span><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n The United Nations does not recognize the so called \u201cRepublic of Kosovo“, which is still not recognized by a large number of States in the world, including European States that are members of the European Union. And recently 10 States that recognized the so called „Republic of Kosovo“ before, finally gave up this recognition!<\/span><\/p>\n The UN Resolution 1244, which recalled as basic principles the inalienable membership of Kosovo-Metochia to the Republic of Serbia, heir to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, and the necessary demilitarization of the KLA, is thus violated twice:<\/span><\/p>\n First by the unilateral declaration of \u201cindependence\u201d of the Albanian rebels.<\/span><\/p>\n And now by their willingness to turn their local security force into a real army.<\/span><\/p>\n This, the UN Resolution 1244, still in force, forbids it strictly!<\/span><\/p>\n \u00a0<\/span><\/p>\n