Geopolitics and politics

Srđan Škoro: the survival of Serbian society in Vanishing

Written By: Srđan Škoro

By uttering various nonsense every day Aleksandar Vucic persistently tries to direct the focus of the public towards himself, in order to stop talking about blockades, protests, students, possible general strike, responsibility.certainly he is most bothered by the mention of responsibility and any possibility to answer for the crimes he committed with his team. In this regard, he launched a story about some loyalists within the SNS, who go to church regularly and swear allegiance to the leader and the party by blood, that there are as many as 17,000 of them, that his brother is their member.from experience we know where Bata Andrej is in the team everything is clear who these people are, what they are inclined to and what a man could expect from them. Woe to the Church in which they pray, and even more so to God who they believe is a member of the SNS and that they have blackmailed him enough to be on their side forever.

They are resolved in Vucic's hands with which he tries to scare all those who actively fight against him. But there's something wrong with him.

Photo by: Alexander Lukashenko (

Especially what he says is that one of the most important demands of loyalists is never to join a coalition with yellow scum and thieves at the cost of everything. They must have blurred their eyes from the violent plunder of the people and the betrayal of all national and state interests, so they forgot that their most prominent members are precisely the members of the yellow scum who, as they say, indebted the country and wrapped it in black. And this time they did it consistently with Vučić and his loyalists at the helm. But they did not answer for it then, so they hope, as well as Vucic, that he will not now. Responsibility is the key thing and it is the fact that no one has been held accountable for various crimes for decades that brought Vucic to power. As punishment. As a reminder that we were not worthy of our ancestors, that we betrayed tradition, faith, family, everything that made us human, that we bent our spine in front of everyone, we slighted our own virtues, and pointed out flaws, accepted that we were guilty of everything in order to make the true guilty feel better…

How else to explain the fact that there are quite a number of people in Serbia who have been feeding and supporting themselves for decades, with a huge number of those whose support they have, on the floskula Serbs are guilty of all wars, Serbia must face crimes, Serbs must be held accountable... every stand up against this established model of behavior classifies you as Chetniks, traitors, anti-Europeans, the backward, the haters of the gay population, the persons who make Serbia bad and do not allow it to develop into the so-called. the European spirit.

If you say there was a monstrous crime in Srebrenica. Scary. Ashamed. Unforgivable. But that there was no genocide and that everyone who has studied something at school and at university knows it, you are greeted with a salvo of various insults. If you add that highlighting the genocide in Srebrenica and forcefully forcing Serbian children to learn about it in school is actually a kind of denial and diminishing the significance of the Holocaust, and above all the humiliation of the real victims of the genocide of Jews, Serbs, Roma, Armenians.then in the absence of arguments, you are greeted with a knife.

If you publicly say that General Ratko Mladic is not a hero for you and explain it in detail, then others will start calling you out in the most different and insulting ways possible. They are the first to remain silent and approve it until you say Kosovo is Serbia or Serbia should never impose sanctions on anyone, not even Russia, and then they laugh again and the calls come to life. And they come mostly from ignorant, uneducated people, most often from the half-world, who have mastered social networks, thinking that they are very important and that every publication of them is a masterpiece.

Reality from national frequencies has actually spilled over into social networks. So various moral and every other prostitute, petty criminals and scum of every kind who dominate reality programs, are actually present on social networks only under other names. They are the same people, they are the same actors. They have common ground and violence. And of course, the approval of the ignorant holy for said or done. They lay each other to the point of unconsciousness.

Fortunately, the disintegrating Serbian society is objectively much better than those characters who have become so embittered that the ordinary man has to wonder what is happening to our people. Where are the people gone? Why did they retreat into themselves? How we allowed ourselves to get so easily affected by osteoporosis of character.

Serbia disappears in the jaws of false leftists who swear allegiance to Washington and Brussels and false right-wingers who see salvation only in Russia and the KGB. What a disaster and a failure of the basic postulates on which the left and right once arose. But in Serbia, anything is possible, and even that Vucic, after everything he does, is still the government. An additional problem is a totally corrupt elite and a huge amount of ignorance, as well as the space given to hypocrites without character who are just as rich as this power on the back of this people. And what's most tragic for everyone is asking. On the stage, the awareness of those same people who applauded when Vuk Karadžić was expelled from the first page of the book, and Josip Broz was put, those who approved to remove Vuk and Dositej from school walls, and brought Tito to watch us so as not to stray from his path. God's word was changed, and God's word was changed, and God's word was changed.

Neretva and Sutjeska abolished Kolubara, CER and Kajmačkalan. They never advertised or considered it necessary for Croats and Bosniaks to be determined by the senseless slaughter and genocide committed against Serbs. We knew about every sigh in the egg, but it was silent how a Serbian soldier broke out twice in a century on soca.

Jasenovac was never released. He only stopped working in the most peaceful way possible since the Ustashas had previously been allowed to remove all traces. In Kosovo, for the singing of Vojvodina Sindjelic, more time was given than for the rape of a Serb woman.

In the name of false brotherhood and unity about the atrocities of the Ustashas and their Muslim comrades had to be silent, and even when something was said, the Chetniks were immediately, as per the command, put in the foreground. Until Tito's death, it was not possible to hear or read anywhere, how the partisans and the Germans negotiated and agreed that if the Allies landed on the Adriatic, they would attack them with joint forces. It was also silent how partisan leaders were walking around Zagreb during the Ustasha rule, comfortable going to the cinema during the so-called period. an epic battle for the wounded. It was skillfully concealed that Croatia had the largest quisling Army in Europe to defend the breakaway Germans, even as Berlin officially fell. After all, the city was liberated after Berlin. The greatest Ustasha criminals fled and were never held accountable for the crimes committed. Serbs were not allowed to return to Kosovo, but Albanians were allowed to move past and most persistently. The pits into which the Ustashe threw Serbs were largely cemented so as not to dig into the past and threaten the ruling Brotherhood and unity. The Serbian victims are called the suffering Patriots.

Photo: I don't know the limits (

Celebrated Serbian heroes from the Balkans and World War I had to beg in the streets, while those who made them disabled and who they had fought in trenches until yesterday, paraded in new uniforms always with rank higher than Serbian officers. King Alexander paid for his delusion with his head, because he was killed by those whom he believed it was possible to build and develop a common state with them. The problem is that the Serbian people paid a far higher price from which, we see, they have not recovered to this day.

The Communists did not repeat the mistake of King Alexander and formed the first joint stock company called SUBNOR. With two witnesses, everyone could become a fighter and enjoy all the firsts that were available to them, and let's not talk about the status of children of fallen fighters. To make the absurdity greater the more time we moved away from the end of the war, the number of combatants involved increased. In the 1970s there were so many, if at least half had actually fought, World War II would have ended before Stalingrad.

Interestingly, those who constantly call on Serbs to face their own crimes have never spoken of communist ones. They are especially silent about the property they have taken from innocent people in various ways, only to seize the benefit of themselves or the party. The liberation from foreign occupation was used to free many people first from life and then from property. The hit was the most valuable. They didn't even touch them because they were atheists. So we came to the point that our state, territory, right to life and our own opinion were taken from us. Faith and nation never meant anything to the communists, because their option was always the other Tito stole, but he gave it to us too!

Those Serbian heroes who were once admired for a reason by the whole world have long since fallen into oblivion, as well as the merits for liberation were believed by the once fraternal peoples, who now do not recognize Serbs in their countries. Or they look to evict them by Grace or force from spaces where they would never have existed if it were not for these very Serbs.

Today, no one talks about the merits of the University of Belgrade for the creation of the same in Sarajevo, Podgorica, Pristina, Skopje. Where would they have been educated if the University of Belgrade had not allowed them to do so in a timely and professional manner.

We take great pride in being successful whenever we succeed. He is one of the few things that Serbs can rightfully wave in front of the whole world, and at the same time a person through whom the same world even knows where Serbia is. And yet, when he doesn't support “on time” students get their calls, when he supports them then it's too lukewarm for “our” concepts. All his virtues we are determined to appropriate and emphasize, but we will not fail, they are only his and for their sake we are ready to renounce him in no time. Neocommunism has done its job. Titoism has completely shattered the DNA of the Serbian people. Once we understand this and remove this defect, we may have another chance to become the people who knew very well how and how to defend the hard-won freedom and the threshold of the House. Until then, we will be ruled by various Wolves and his loyalists who probably got their name from enjoying themselves as kidneys in loyalties always to the detriment of the people and the state.

How to get out of all this and stop the further decay of the nation and the state, with all the knowledge of where we are and what we are in.

In general, the question arises, Is there a way out of this living mud we fell into? The students and students raised hope. But that's not enough.

We need to get together first. This must be done by true fighters, people who have proven and demonstrated that they have the character and strength to endure all adversity and injustice. This evil that has occupied Serbia cannot be averted by KUSI and raps gathered in a crowd, but by being selected, able and ready, so that all this does not happen again for who knows what time. And talk about everything that has polluted our living space from Rio Tinto, Chinese investments, reality programs, the serious consequences of Titoism, to the current government and their satellites in opposition. We can no longer close our eyes and remain silent. And to openly say that the current patriarch Porfirije of Serbia is far more responsible for the complete vulgarization of the Serbian media space and society than the currently hated Olivera Zekic. His influence in RRA later turned into REM cannot be measured with Zekic, and we have already forgotten that like much else. As well as the fact that already from then on it was called profit!

Those who wish to determine and analyze the real reasons may be able to stop the disintegration of the state and society in the constant encroachment. Salvation may be closer than we believe. You just have to call him in the right way. And when that happens, not even the loyalists of the whole world can help, let alone those of him who will sell him on the first corner tomorrow. The responsibility and the ability to truly respond once simply drive them crazy and drive them clean. The state of mind confirms this best.

Source: The survival of Serbian society in vanishing-without censorship

4. јануар 2025.


About Центар за геостратешке студије

Center for geostrategic studies is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in Belgrade at the founding assembly held on 28.02.2014. in accordance with the provisions of art.11. and 12. Law on associations ("Official Gazette of Rs", no.51/09). for an indefinite period of time, in order to achieve the goals in the field of scientific research of geostrategic relations and preparation of strategic documents, analysis and research. The association develops and supports projects and activities aimed at the state and national interests of Serbia, has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the register in accordance with the law. The mission of the Center for geostrategic studies is: "we are building the future, because Serbia deserves it: the values we represent are established through our history, culture and tradition. We believe that without the past there is no future. For this reason, in order to build the future, we must know our past and cherish our traditions. True values are always grounded, and the future cannot be built in a good direction without that foundation. In a time of disruptive geopolitical change, it is crucial to make wise choices and make the right decisions. Let go of all imposed and distorted ideas and artificial urges. We firmly believe that Serbia has enough quality and potential to determine its own future, regardless of threats and limitations. We are committed to the Serbian position and the right to decide our own future, bearing in mind the fact that historically there have been many challenges, threats and dangers that we have overcome. “ Vision: the Center for geostrategic studies aspires to become one of the world's leading organizations in the field of geopolitics. He also wants to become a local brand. We will try to interest the public in Serbia in international topics and gather all those interested in protecting state and national interests, strengthening sovereignty, preserving territorial integrity, preserving traditional values, strengthening institutions and the rule of law. We will act in the direction of finding like-minded people, both in the domestic and in the world public. We will focus on regional cooperation and networking of related NGOs, both at the regional and international level. We will launch projects at the international level to support the repositioning of Serbia and the preservation of territorial integrity. In cooperation with media houses, we will implement projects that are focused on these goals. We will organize education of interested public through conferences, round tables and seminars. We will try to find a model for the development of the organization that would enable the financing of the activities of the Center. Build a future together: If you are interested in cooperating with us, or to help the work of the Center for geostrategic studies, please contact us by e-mail:

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