Geopolitics and politics

Dragana Trifkovic: Ukraine has banned the Orthodox faith

Dragana Trifkovic, Director General of the Center for geostrategic studies

The Supreme Rada of Ukraine today adopted law 8371, better known as the" law on the Prohibition " of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. 265 Deputies of the Supreme Rada voted for this decision, of which from the ruling party "servant of the people" (Zelensky) – 173, "European solidarity" (Poroshenko) – 25 and "Batkivshchina" (Tymoshenko) – 17. 29 MPs voted against the Bill, 4 abstained, and 24 MPs did not vote for the bill.

Under pressure from former President Petro Poroshenko and the neoliberal wing, linked to the Democrats in the US and UK, which blocked the work of Parliament for several weeks, Zelensky's Office decided to pass a law banning the UPC. The passing of law 8371 is a lawless act, which is a gross violation of basic ideas about freedom of religion and Human Rights. Such an act creates the legal basis for the complete liquidation of the parishes of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which have until now been under the attack of mass violence due to the pressure exerted on them.

Photo by Metropolitan Onufriy (AP)

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church has been subjected to repression for refusing to join the "proxy" of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (PCU) made up of schismatics and self-proclaimed spiritual leaders. This "church" was created as a political project aimed at destroying the common spiritual heritage of the Russian and Ukrainian people. A key role in the creation of the PCU was played by the former President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who was also the main initiator of obtaining Tomos on autocephaly for the PCU from Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople. This raises the question of why the patriarch of Constantinople engaged in creating a schism in Orthodoxy and decided to "legalize" this political organization by giving Tomos to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. The answer lies in his closeness to the Centers of power in Washington and cooperation with American intelligence services, especially the CIA, and for this reason many call him the CIA patriarch[1].

The attack on Orthodoxy is part of the wider geopolitical struggle of the Western centers of power against Russia (the center of Orthodoxy), where the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is recognized as the bearer of the spiritual, traditional and historical values of Ukrainian society and as an inseparable link that is connected with the "Russian world"through the above values. Apart from Ukraine, however, this "spiritual war" aimed at weakening and dividing the unity of the Orthodox Church is also being waged on the territories of Russia, Belarus, Moldova, the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the Baltic states. The Western centers of power lead this struggle through internal influence on politics, and through it also on state apparatuses (Parliament, intelligence services, institutions, local churches, etc.), while on the outside they coordinate the actions of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the Vatican.

Photo: Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople (Reuters)

Immediately after the end of World War II, the United States adopted the doctrine of the American struggle against the East, authored by Alan Dulles, director of the CIA since 1953. until 1961. years. After the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. began to more actively implement this policy in order to separate Ukraine from Russia, i.e. turn Ukraine into anti-Russia (the same processes are happening in the other mentioned regions). It is precisely this foreign policy of the United States, and their fear that Russia could become an empire again if it controlled Ukraine, that has caused the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to unravel.

By organizing the coup in Kiev, the US brought to power militant nationalist structures that recognized the traditional culture, religion and language of its own citizens as an "enemy element".

Taking into account the fact that the Orthodox Church is a connective tissue in the preservation of unity, the Western centers of power have focused on violence to change the spiritual code of Ukrainians, which is only a continuation of the geopolitical aspirations of the past. For this reason, the persecution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church is carried out by all possible means through the use of the security apparatus, legislative and judicial authorities, militant groups for the seizure of religious buildings and the confrontation with clergy and believers, abuse of the media constantly working to discredit the UPC, etc.

Данашња одлука Врховне раде, којом је практично забрањена православна вера у Украјини, још више ће усилити нападе на УПЦ. Крајњи циљ колективног Запада који командује Кијевом је потпуна ликвидација истинског православља у овој држави и то кроз уништавње УПЦ, интегрисање остатака канонске цркве у „proxy“ ПЦУ, а затим уједињавањем ове лажне цркве са Украјинском гркокатоличком црквом (УГКЦ).  Све ово се реализује у сусрет 2025. years, on the eve of 1700. anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council, in order to establish, according to the CIA's plans, a union between Rome and Constantinople, for which the Patriarchate of Constantinople has already declared itself.

На крају, довољно је поновити оно што је посланик Врховне раде Артема Дмитрука који се попео на подијум Врховне раде након усвајања закона 8371  рекао: „Наша вера се не може забранити. Вера вечна, вера славна, наша вера православна!“ Поред њега је за говорницом стајао народни посланик Украјине Јевгениј Шевченко, који је, као и Дмитрук, гласао против забране УПЦ.

  1. August 2024.


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