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Renewed Promise of China-Serbia Relations
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Center for geostrategic studies
By Muhammad Asif Noor, Founder Friends of BRI Forum
President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to Serbia is a renewed promise of a building a significant chapter in the evolving narrative of China-Serbia relations, a partnership flourishing against a backdrop of global uncertainties and shifting geopolitical alignments. This visit, marking profound diplomatic engagements reinforced the traditional bonds between the two nations and paved the way for a future-oriented alliance aimed at mutual development and strategic cooperation. The visit was also coinciding with the 25th anniversary of the NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, not only symbolizes the resilience and solidarity between the two nations but also highlights their mutual commitment to a strategic partnership poised for a future of shared prosperity. Both sides are eager to deepen ties in a world where alliances are not just about mutual benefits but also about forging lasting partnerships that stand resilient through the challenges of changing international dynamics.
Dragana Trifkovic: The US is coordinating the actions of both the Serbian government and the Serbian opposition
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Svetlana Maksović
Mass protests have begun in Belgrade. Opposition members and their supporters, who disagree with the results of the recent parliamentary elections, have taken to the streets, blocking roads and attacking government buildings. Law enforcement agencies are responding by trying to contain the unrest. The situation is heating up.
According to experts, an attempt is being made to stage a coup in Serbia on the model of Ukraine’s Maidan in 2014. Most experts believe that the actions of the Serbian opposition are coordinated by Brussels and Washington.
Is a political revolution possible in Serbia?
The director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, Dragana Trifkovic, gave the Public News Service her own take on the issue:
Dragana Trifković: The West abolished the journalistic profession
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Center for geostrategic studies
The international round table on the threat of freedom of speech in Europe and in general in the West was held in an online format. This event was organized with the support of the Department for Multilateral Cooperation of the Permanent Delegation of the Russian Federation at the UN Office in Geneva. The round table discussed the persecution of independent journalists and activists.
Kosovar forces in the Malvinas: Tools of ‘Global Britain’
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Center for geostrategic studies
By Micaela Constantini *
On November 23, the agreement was ratified between the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Ministry of Defense, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, for the deployment of personnel from the Security Forces of Kosovo (KSF) to the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands to the Roulement Infantry Company.
The proposal/decision, presented and explained in the Assembly by the Kosovar Prime Minister, Albin Kurti, was approved at the “109th meeting of the Government of Kosovo”, under Decision No.08,/109. After the presentation of the report, with the recommendations of the Security and Defense Committee, the Assembly decided, with 77 votes in favor, to send the KSF mission abroad.
Dragana Trifkovic: The visions of a stock market speculator are unacceptable to Serbia
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Center for geostrategic studies
Continuing our new project called “Soft power – a destructive tool of the collective West against Russia”, spoke with Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies from Belgrade, Serbia.
— After the color revolution of 2018, which, as the “leaders” of this revolution declared, was supposed to lead Armenia to the flourishing of democracy and unprecedented economic growth, Armenia not only didn”t become more democratic, but was subjected to unprecedented military aggression, the echo of which can still be heard. It is well known that the main scriptwriter and financier of such color revolutions all over the world is the so-called “Soros Foundation”. Tell us how things were in Serbia in terms of the introduction of Soros agents into various structures and what consequences did this lead to?
Incident in Poland that could have caused WW3 is making Ukraine lose credibility
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Center for geostrategic studies
By Dragana Trifković
In the past months, we could hear various forecasts and warnings regarding the current conflict between the West and Russia, which concern a high level of misunderstanding on many issues, but mostly on the issue of Ukraine. The Ukraine conflict itself is seen by the West and Russia from diametrically opposite positions. For the West, Russia is an aggressive party that attacked a sovereign state of Ukraine. On the other hand, for Russia, Ukraine is a country under control of the Western power centers, which is committing genocide against the Russian population. According to Russian officials, the reasons for launching a special military operation (as they call the intervention) are threats to the national security of the Russian Federation and the need to protect the Russian population, which has been under attack since 2014. So far, the collective West has not wanted to accept Moscow’s arguments, which has led to today’s situation of the highest level of political conflict between the West and Russia after the Second World War, without direct confrontation. Nevertheless, Russia believes that it is still waging war with the West, taking into account the fact that the West is arming and training Ukrainian army, and also, according to Moscow, is encouraging aggressive behavior of Kiev towards the Russians.
Dragana Trifković: The possibility of a nuclear war is increasing
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Center for geostrategic studies
According to the assessments of many independent analysts, the key reason that led to the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine is the expansion of the NATO infrastructure towards the Russian borders. In recent years, the leadership of Russia has warned that it considers such steps dangerous and that they directly undermine the national security of the Russian Federation.
In the current circumstances and despite the dangerous escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, NATO does not intend to change its approach to the problem. The delivery of weapons to this country and the further expansion of the Alliance lead to further tightening of relations with Russia.
How war in Ukraine resembles past conflict in Yugoslavia
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Center for geostrategic studies
On September 8, a session was held in the UN Security Council on the topic of arms delivery to Ukraine by the West.
In the introductory part of the session, Trifković spoke about the weapons that were delivered to the battlefield during the war in Yugoslavia, comparing it to the current situation in Ukraine.
In the following interview, Trifković elaborates on that point for Asia Times.
Dragana Trifković in the UN Security Council: Western weapons in Ukraine are killing civilians regardless of whether they speak Russian or Ukrainian
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Center for geostrategic studies
On September 8, a session was held in the UN Security Council on the topic of arms delivery to Ukraine by the West.
In the introductory part of the session, Dragana Trifković, director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies, spoke about the weapons that were delivered to the battlefield during the war in Yugoslavia, comparing it to the current situation in Ukraine. Below you can read the entire speech of Dragana Trifković.
Brazil supports Serbian Kosovo
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Center for geostrategic studies
Dragana Trifkovic: New Racak in Bucha, 23 years later
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Center for geostrategic studies
By Dragana Trifkovic
Is it possible to negotiate with terrorists who are ready for anything? Different countries have different attitudes towards this question. In many cases, terrorists see the willingness to talk as a weakness that they want to take advantage of. What is certain is that terrorists never play fair games.
The world is in its greatest crisis since the end of World War II. The international system that was established as a result of negotiations between the victorious powers of the World War II has been shaken from the ground up. The years of the „Cold War“, which were characterized by the confrontation of two large blocs, from today’s perspective, seem like a period of peace.
Dragana Trifkovic: World order and perspectives of globalization
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Center for geostrategic studies
Dragana Trifković, Director of the Center for Geostrategic Studies,
Master of Science in Security Management, University of Belgrade
The process of transforming the monopolar world order into a multipolar, after the conflict in Ukraine, will enter a new phase. The United States, as one (but no longer the only one), of the world’s leading powers, seems to have no strategy that fits in with global trends. In the American strategic documents that determine the foreign policy doctrine, there is the idea of returning to world domination, which would literally mean redirecting global processes in the opposite direction. In the current circumstances, such an idea seems unrealistic, especially if we take into account the fact that the United States no longer has the political, economic or military capacity to implement it. The redistribution of world power has led to China’s economic dominance, as well as Russia’s military dominance.