Dragana Trifkovic: Ukrainian refugees are no longer welcome in Poland and Germany

Poland is one of the EU countries that is suffering major consequences due to the conflict in Ukraine. Since the Russian intervention in Ukraine began in late February this year, a large number of Ukrainians have headed to Poland to find safety there and escape the war. Initially, most Polish citizens had a lot of empathy for Ukrainian refugees, but when the situation began to load the system in this country, circumstances have changed.

The situation is similar in other European countries, whose citizens feel insecure about the current energy crisis, which burdens the entire economy, and social assistance for refugees from Ukraine creates large expenditures that further pressure budgets.

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Mrs. Goebbels, you were an amateur!

Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies

Ukraine, which supposedly aspires to democracy, has re-actualized the practice of persecuting dissidents and making lists of "enemies". The Green regime targets and persecutes free-thinking people, at the behest of the US and NATO. Objectively speaking, this is not unusual, considering the fact that in recent decades the US political leadership-through NATO – has introduced bomb democracy to many parts of the world. And yet, there are many in America who disagree with such a policy and they are getting louder.

Day 14. in July, Ukraine published a list of politicians, academics, activists who "promote Russian propaganda" — including several prominent Western intellectuals and politicians. Republican Senator Rand Paul, former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabard, military and geopolitical analyst Edward N. Lutwak, realist political scientist John Mirsheimer, and journalist Glenn Greenwald, famed economist Jeffrey Sachs, were all on the list.

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Dragana Trifkovic from Donbass: Ukrainian army shot its soldiers

Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies



At the invitation of the committee for international cooperation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, a delegation of foreign journalists, representatives of social organizations and diplomatic missions of several states visited 9. August detention no. 120 in Yelenovka, not far from Donetsk.    

The delegation included representatives from Syria, Nicaragua, Italy, Serbia, France, North Korea, Germany and other countries, and among the delegates was Dragana Trifkovic, director of the Center for geostrategic studies.

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Михаил Кучерјави: Руски свет, шта даље?

Преносимо из часописа persona-strany.ru

Пише: М. М. Кучерјави, генерал-потпуковник, доктор политичких наука, државни саветник Руске Федерације 1. класе, од децембра 2017. до јануара 2019. – вицегубернатор Санкт Петербурга

Награде: Орден за војне заслуге и медаља „За војне заслуге“

Фото: Михаил Кучерјави

Руски свет је формирани глобални културни и цивилизацијски феномен који обједињује народе и територије на основу вековних традиција поштовања и очувања руске културе, владања руским језиком и препознавања сопствене припадности Русији.

Територија руског света почиње у Руској Федерацији и иде далеко иза њених граница, пружајући се не само на постсојетски простор, већ и на друге земаље света у којима живе милиони људи посвећених Русији.

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Dragana Trifkovic: unity of the Orthodox and Islamic world in the fight for freedom

The article was published in the printed edition of the journal Person Foreign


The tensions that have grown in recent years in international relations have inevitably led to escalation, especially because the establishment of normal dialogue among the Great Powers was not possible. The corruption of the international system has led to the formation of parallel worlds that do not de facto have too many points of contact. Differences have become irreconcilable from issues of interpretation of international law, falsification of history to economic-trade relations and understanding of security. The special operation of denacification and demilitarization of Ukraine, which Russia started in February, makes these differences even greater. The West sees no danger in the extremity of Ukraine, the glorification of Nazism and the installation of American missiles on Russia's borders, but fears a "Russian invasion". For years, Russia has warned that it sees NATO's expansion towards its borders as a threat to its own national security. The United States and European countries have imposed reckless sanctions on Russia, while blaming Vladimir Putin for a lack of basic food and energy. The Russian Federation introduced new rules in trade with European countries. In recent weeks, we have been hearing threatening warnings about the possible use of nuclear weapons on both sides. The world is on the brink of nuclear war.

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Dejan Mirovic: artificial analogy between Ukraine and Kosovo

Written By: Dejan Mirović

Due to the tragic events in Ukraine,in our public and in the West, in a Russophobic context, an artificial analogy is being made between the NATO aggression on the fry in 1999. and the war in Ukraine, as well as the secession of the so-called Kosovo and the independence of the DPR and LPR. However, legal facts show that this is not true. On the contrary, there is room for a completely different comparison. NATO, leading Western states and so-called Kosovo for over 20 years. they do not comply with UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which is mandatory under international law for all states.

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William Engdahl: is the perfidious Erdogan destroying Russia because of the Great Turan?

William Engdahl is a strategic risk consultant and lecturer, has a degree in politics from Princeton University and is the best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for online magazine" New Eastern Outlook“

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is known for his slippery relations with alleged allies, whether it be NATO or the EU. However, his greatest perfidy now seems to be directed against Turkey's relationship with Putin's Russia. Over the past two or more years in his relations with Ukraine, Armenia, Syria, Libya and now, more recently, in the unsuccessful Revolution in Kazakhstan, Erdogan has shown a clear pattern not only of opportunism, but also of perfidiousness or betrayal of trust, as in double crossing, in his relations with Russia despite being dependent on energy and advanced defense equipment. Why, the question is.

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Драгана Трифковић: Како то да у једном случају ЕУ подржава територијалну целовитост Украјине, а у другом случају лобира за дезинтеграцију Србије?

Дана 26. октобра 2021. године одржана је дебата европских стручњака на тему која је сада прилично акутна за све нас: „Да ли је Украјина за ЕУ сада неконтролисани, агресивни сусед или пожељни партнер?“

На округлом столу „Отворена Европа“ своје мишљење о овом питању изнели су: Руслан Панкратов – шеф летонске политичке партије „Рицибас“, Алгирдас Палецкис – литвански политичар, дипломата, бивши градоначелник Виљнуса, белгијски политиколог, публициста, стручњак за међународне односе, бивши заменик градоначелника Лијежа, шеф Фондације Петар Велики – Валериј Двоиников, бивши посланик Бундестага Валдемар Хердт, генерални директор Центра за геостратешке студије Драгана Трифковић из Србије и кандидат за гувернера Калифорније Луис Маринели.

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Драгана Трифковић: Кримска платформа, потпуни дебакл украјинског председника?

Пише: Драгана Трифковић. директор Центра за геостратешке студије


У Кијеву ће уочи Дана независности Украјине 24. августа, бити одржан скуп под називом Кримска платформа. Према речима председника Владимира Зеленског, циљ пројекта је повратак кримског полуострва у састав Украјине. Зеленски је пројекат представио прошле јесени на заседању УН. У фебруару је потписао декрет о мерама усмереним на „де окупацију“ Крима. У оквиру тог документа, такође је наложио влади да организује први састанак у оквиру самита. Како је украјински лидер објаснио, то је „међународна платформа за проналажење и даљу примену сета мера за де окупацију полуострва и заштиту права становника Крима“.

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