Geopolitics and politics

Alexander Azadgan: А brief macroanalysis of the 2024 U.S. presidential election with geopolitical explanations

By: Alexander Azadgan, chief geopolitical advisor of the Center for geostrategic studies

Photo By Alexander Azadgan

It may be fair to assume that our American political and geopolitical instability has not been
under such exceptional circumstances, if not more exponentially, since the 2000 George W. Bush-Al Gore presidential election. which unfortunately culminated in the attacks of 11. September 2000. years. God forbid, that any terrible event ever happens again on our American soil, even though Netanyahu's Kabbalah can never be underestimated in its willingness to create false flag operations, in cooperation with Islamist gangs and terrorists, and then blamed for it, say Iran, even though such huge conspiracies are not achievable these days and will be exposed before they really do begin. Thank you, internet!

In any case, if this election is not stolen by deft barons like Bill Gates and George Soros, or if there is, say, a comprehensive voter fraud over our outdated voting security systems, that is my academic prediction, although it might prove that I am wrong within a few days, that President Trump could win the 2024 election. with J. D. Vance as crown prince and heir apparent in 2028. years, if not sooner. I will discuss this possible controversial turn before the end of this analytical article.

It is a very difficult race and it is almost impossible to predict. After all, these presidential elections could be reduced to seven or eight swing states that remain very competitive, door-to-door in fact! They are: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada, and New Hampshire. It is also possible that due to such close margins of victory, both candidates cannot concede the final results. Can we have another Bush-Gore riot from 2000? year, this time with incredibly angry voters on both sides who might want to "take to the streets"?

Not likely. The system would not allow this, because any anarchy must be violently suppressed. This is literally a matter of our national security. I am genuinely concerned about our state of affairs in the community as never before, as Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green of the 14th House of Representatives indicated a few years ago. Georgia's congressional district when she raised the topic of what she called a "national divorce." Keep in mind, Georgia is one of the key states on the battlefield. But can there be an intense turn of hands and fierce inter-political fighting in state legislatures over the confirmation of the results? This remains to be seen, depending on how close the result margins are. The ideal situation, if President Trump wins, would be that Vice President Harris immediately relents, so there would be no drama, as was the case that led to the 6th uprising. January 2021. in Washington, where thousands of National Guard troops were deployed: an unprecedented phenomenon!

In any case, if President Trump wins, four years from now, that is, in the 2028 election. in the year, the staff will finally be passed on to a new generation of American politicians, many of whom are extremely competent and truly patriotic with a great focus on domestic issues such as crime, immigration, drug epidemic, abortion, transgender ideological, tax reform, etc. My prediction is that it will be between J.D. Vanessa (current junior senator from Ohio and Republican nominee for vice president in 2024.) and Governor Gavin Newsom of my home state of California, a truly incompetent voxist liberal, who along with the uncontrollable Liberal leadership in Sacramento, the capital of California, destroyed our once beautiful Golden State. Let's not forget that during the term of California Attorney General Kamala Harris, an absurd law was passed not to arrest or prosecute shoplifting up to 9 950. Transgender ideology is also mocking us in California, not to mention our homelessness crisis and the corporate exodus of numerous California-based multinational corporations, such as Tesla Elon Musk in Austin, Texas in 2021.

Back to my earlier point. There will be no civil war as predicted by many alarming analysts and commentators, except isolated incidents, here and there, but definitely not at the national level. Be sure of that.

Functionally, our elaborate and intricate security apparatus simply will not allow this, especially as overseas geopolitical equations and the international order itself are dangerously moved against our global interests and even openly challenged at the point of verbal nuclear threats from Russia. Our Russian colleagues are of course bluffing experts. But this time, it's a different ball game, because Russia is experiencing an eminent existential crisis and even balkanization. Exactly. These concerns are not geopolitical paranoia as NATO is expanding further east. So much for the" mutual understanding " of President George W. Bush and President Gorbachev. That time has passed and such leaders with it. Maybe not if Trump is elected.

Now, moving to macroeconomics, we are facing unprecedented challenges from China, an associate economic partner and at the same time a future adversary, which has decided to accelerate its expansionist plans for 2025. We believe this started in 2008. years, when they witnessed bad treatment and our economic incompetence in the mortgage crisis that led to what we now call the "Great Recession." If not restrained, especially despite the goals set out in the recent plenary session of 16. the BRICS Plus summit in Kazan, the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Federation, the disappearance of our US dollar as a global reserve currency will be our biggest defeat in our 248-year history, going back to 4. July 1776. when we declared independence from Britain, it triggered Revolutionary Wars. Is it possible that 4. July 2026. we're not going to get our 250. anniversary? This is, of course, alarming speculation that I personally do not predict will happen any time soon. The process of de-dollarization will be long, difficult and arduous if the decay actually occurs.

Ево једне нијансе: да се не заборави да су сви ратови банкарски ратови! Оно што људи треба да схвате је да Трећи светски рат не личи [и неће] на ништа слично Првом и Другом светском рату или чак хладном рату. Овде се јавља дистопија у схватању геополитике и геоекономије од стране глобалних маса. Милитаристички, наравно, ми смо непобедиви. Ово је математичка сигурност, није отворена за спекулације. Ниједна земља [или чак коалиција земаља] не може да парира нашој технолошкој моћи у најмање наредних 20-30 година. Начин на који смо у стању да пројектујемо моћ било где у свету у тренутку показује нашу невероватну борбену снагу, без премца у људској историји. Ипак, рат је одсуство разума.

As PTO the Portuguese-Jewish philosopher and forerunner of the age of enlightenment, Baruch Spinoza, wrote in a theological-political treatise in 1670. "peace is not the absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a propensity for benevolence, trust and Justice.

Our political leadership in Washington must rediscover this virtue that has been absent since 2001. years when we were in a state of constant war. I think this is very possible if there is enough "Willenskraft and Selbstüberwindung" - German for willpower and self-control, something Friedrich Nietzsche was talking about, which in my opinion can be applied to geopolitics. After all, when men don't talk to each other, they reach for their swords.

As advisors, we must encourage leaders to speak, especially among opponents. I think with another Trump administration that would be possible, at least when it comes to a war between Russia and Ukraine, but not a war in the West Asia/Middle East where Trump is a fervent and unconditional supporter of the state of Israel. There is no strategic uncertainty.

The Harris administration will deal with further unnecessary accidents, as the Biden administration did, in preventing a cessation of hostilities and ultimately promoting peace in NATO's war with Russia. Although historically the Democratic Party has been a party of relative reconciliation, especially during the Vietnam war, ironically, these roles have now switched between the Republican and Democratic parties. With the exception of "Israelism," where the neoconservatives acted virtually unopposed in both parties, especially the non-constructive rhetoric of Republican vice presidential candidate Senator J. J. Trump. D. With regard to Iran, literally from the very beginning of his nomination, the Republicans are mostly acting adults, at least when it comes to our imperialist hubris over the war in Ukraine. However, let it also be fair to say that the Biden administration has pretty flawlessly resolved the Israeli-Iranian war, given the alternative if Donald Trump were in the White House. I predict that such a policy of American-Iranian detente will continue if Vice President Harris is elected, although when it comes to Israel and the dominant influence of their powerful AIPAC lobby in Washington, money has its logic! This is a stone around our neck that we need to seriously address at the level of the highest level of policy-making. Currently and in the future, this possibility does not exist, because in Tel Aviv, ultra-hardline and religious ethno-suprematists are leading. Regardless, unless our corrupt campaign contribution laws are Reformed, which is unlikely, nothing will change in Washington in terms of our foreign policy towards Israel and we will continue to be trapped by them.

Yet when 30 to 40 countries want to join the BRICS, it can be argued that it may have been written on the wall for the collective Western bloc and that we are under a dangerous multi-front strategic economic threat. This, however, can be avoided as we still have significant levers over all nations. But our alliances-without the UK, Australia, South Korea and Japan – show some signs of possible weakening. Can this financial existential danger be diverted? Time will tell.

But the inconvenient truth is that we may have lost the war in Ukraine, at least so far. Even France is sending some signals of a potential departure from the transatlantic alliance. As the British say, " the French can never be trusted." If NATO allows Ukraine to penetrate Russia's borders through offensive military capabilities, there will be a tactical nuclear attack by Russia on the battlefield in Ukraine. But this will not escalate into a full-scale strategic conventional nuclear war. However, the situation in Ukraine is unsustainable for all sides. In fact, it is a very bad situation that is difficult to fix.

Meanwhile, China and Russia will use Iran for their offers against our American national interests in western Asia/the Middle East. The Iranians would not be wise to continue thinking exclusively about anti-American ideological terms and to threaten (or trade) their independence and national sovereignty in order to gain military protection from Russia and China against Israel, as this alliance has been launched for a long time, with Iran essentially turning into a proxy of the emerging Eastern bloc, if not already. However, Iranians are insightful strategists and play a long game of chess.

Meanwhile, despite being the founder of BRICS, Modi's India will protect its losses by playing on both sides of the fence by remaining part of Netanyahu's India-UAE-Saudi Arabia-Israel-US alliance. How to forget Netanyahu's ridiculous" new map of the Middle East " at the last United Nations General Assembly literally a few days before the 7th attack. October!

To return to our domestic policy that was the starting point of this brief macro-analysis, it is possible that our political system, that is, our deep state apparatus, this time reluctantly allows Donald Trump to win. Some argue that the two assassination attempts were just a signal to President Trump that if he deviates slightly from the current international order by acting erratically and unpredictably, God forbid, a third and final attempt during his second term could be made. Even the thought itself is grotesque. Even the thought itself is grotesque. But we crossed the Rubicon and degenerated again into political assassination tricks reminiscent of the Sixties, the time of the assassination of four political giants: John F. Kennedy (22). November 1963), Malcolm X (21. February 1965), Martin Luther King Jr. (4. April 1968) and Robert F. Kennedy (5. June 1968).

But perhaps it's already no longer about Donald Trump. Is he passé even if he wins? What is the presidential trajectory in the years to come? The Neocons' investment is on both JD Vance and Kamala Harris, now and in 2028 if Harris wins, regardless of Dick Cheney's endorsement of Vice-President Harris which I personally believe was a diversion and a ploy to further enhance the illusion of presidential choice and political flexibility and open-mindedness in order to perpetuate the myth of our tragically-decaying democracy which I genuinely hope [and aspire] to be avoided, as a patriotic American. Such is my brief macro-analysis, only 5 five days before our presidential elections, which in my opinion is the most important election of our republic and now our empire's history.

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies

Title photo:

  1. November 2024.





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Center for geostrategic studies is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in Belgrade at the founding assembly held on 28.02.2014. in accordance with the provisions of art.11. and 12. Law on associations ("Official Gazette of Rs", no.51/09). for an indefinite period of time, in order to achieve the goals in the field of scientific research of geostrategic relations and preparation of strategic documents, analysis and research. The association develops and supports projects and activities aimed at the state and national interests of Serbia, has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the register in accordance with the law. The mission of the Center for geostrategic studies is: "we are building the future, because Serbia deserves it: the values we represent are established through our history, culture and tradition. We believe that without the past there is no future. For this reason, in order to build the future, we must know our past and cherish our traditions. True values are always grounded, and the future cannot be built in a good direction without that foundation. In a time of disruptive geopolitical change, it is crucial to make wise choices and make the right decisions. Let go of all imposed and distorted ideas and artificial urges. We firmly believe that Serbia has enough quality and potential to determine its own future, regardless of threats and limitations. We are committed to the Serbian position and the right to decide our own future, bearing in mind the fact that historically there have been many challenges, threats and dangers that we have overcome. “ Vision: the Center for geostrategic studies aspires to become one of the world's leading organizations in the field of geopolitics. He also wants to become a local brand. We will try to interest the public in Serbia in international topics and gather all those interested in protecting state and national interests, strengthening sovereignty, preserving territorial integrity, preserving traditional values, strengthening institutions and the rule of law. We will act in the direction of finding like-minded people, both in the domestic and in the world public. We will focus on regional cooperation and networking of related NGOs, both at the regional and international level. We will launch projects at the international level to support the repositioning of Serbia and the preservation of territorial integrity. In cooperation with media houses, we will implement projects that are focused on these goals. We will organize education of interested public through conferences, round tables and seminars. We will try to find a model for the development of the organization that would enable the financing of the activities of the Center. Build a future together: If you are interested in cooperating with us, or to help the work of the Center for geostrategic studies, please contact us by e-mail:

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