Science and society

Danijela Petkovic: The Power of cultural diplomacy

Written By: Danijela Petkovic

In the modern world, culture is not only associated with diplomacy, as it has been in the last hundred years, but it has also become independent in the field of international relations. Using its laws and instruments, it expands sociocultural cooperation, realizing national interests, guided by the definition "diplomacy serves culture, not culture diplomacy". It is clear that the term culture is increasingly used in the context of cultural policy, international relations and cultural diplomacy in international relations. Despite the differences in these terms, in addition to "cultural diplomacy" terms such as "international cultural cooperation" and "international cultural exchange"are still used.

Culture remains an instrument of action in international relations, when, for example, due to conflict, any other relationship between the two sides is impossible. Cultural diplomacy has a humanitarian character that is reflected in the preservation of traditional and moral values, the culture of communication between the two sides, the development of tourism, the preservation of the national language and script. Moreover, cultural diplomacy as a" soft power " is effective in establishing educational, sporting, scientific cooperation between countries. The definition of cultural diplomacy is reduced to the exchange of cultural events and practices between countries with the aim of full cooperation and understanding, but also international exchange in economic terms. Diplomacy meets the goals of a state that creates its own policies and implements them. Perhaps the simplest definition of cultural diplomacy is the exchange of all cultural values for the purpose of better international understanding and cooperation. It is assumed that the term "cultural diplomacy" was introduced in the 1930s by American explorer Frederick Charles Barghoorn. At first it was f. Barghurn defined the term "cultural diplomacy"as" manipulation of cultural material and personnel for propaganda purposes". In the further development of this definition, the position of cultural diplomacy is softened. For example, American diplomat Richard T. Arndt believes that cultural diplomacy exists as a state practice and analyzes and distinguishes between the terms "cultural relations" and "cultural diplomacy". He notes that cultural relations do not depend on government and cultural diplomacy, which "seeks to establish cultural relations productively and minimizes damage to national interests and also maximizes the likelihood that elements of this interaction turn into sustainable positive contributions from both or all parties involved". We can argue against this definition of cultural diplomacy, since in the modern world the actors in the implementation of cultural diplomacy are not only the state, but also the private sector, civil society and individuals. Contemporary cultural diplomacy goes beyond public diplomacy, which deals with current conflicts and urgent diplomatic projects. Cultural diplomacy concentrates its activities in educational and cultural exchange between countries. The terms used as synonyms for cultural diplomacy are "public diplomacy" and "soft power" although a detailed analysis tells us that there are differences between them. The concept of "soft power" was developed in 1990. By American political scientist Joseph Nye. Unlike" hard power, "which involves military and economic coercion, according to NYU," soft power "is" the ability of one country to make other countries want what they want " through such resources as cultural attraction, ideology, and international institutes. Principles of cultural diplomacy: recognition and respect of cultural diversity, heritage and tradition, constant intercultural dialogue, protection of human rights, global peace and stability.

Moreover, cultural diplomacy is important in the modern world because diplomacy cannot fully respond to conflict resolution, and cultural diplomacy, as a soft power, yes. When studying cultural diplomacy, the following contexts should be highlighted:

  1. The political context is the system of education and education of foreign citizens, students, ensuring the formation of loyal representatives of the political elite, businessmen and intellectuals. This scheme is very common and is used all over the world.
  2. Culture is also seen through the economic prism of the sector that promotes the development of exchange, i.e. trade between countries. In this context, culture is associated with the concept of a national brand and is used in economic diplomacy.
  3. Knowledge of the cultural values of a particular society is used in information warfare. For example, during the Cold War, America used cultural diplomacy tools, such as art exhibitions, scholarships, Hollywood films, to export its cultural values.

We can conclude that the main resources of cultural diplomacy are literature, education, music, cinema, theater, fine arts, fashion, tourism, gastronomy, etc.

As for holders of cultural diplomacy, in some countries such as France and Slovakia, cultural diplomacy is carried out by diplomatic representations and cultural institutions that have diplomatic status. On the other hand, in Italy, cultural diplomacy is mainly dealt with by the non-diplomatic sector. We can note that the holders of cultural diplomacy are employees of the Ministry of foreign affairs of a given country or employees of the Ministry of culture, diplomatic missions, international sociocultural organizations, educational organizations that receive organizational and political support and financial assistance from their countries for their projects, as well as cultural workers, artists who act independently. The means of cultural diplomacy are also very important and are used to create a positive image of the state in the world and to develop intercultural dialogue and in conflict prevention.

It should be noted that cultural diplomacy is an old form of diplomacy, and today there is no need to separate cultural diplomacy of the Ministry of foreign affairs and cultural policy of the country.

The task of cultural policy is to form a positive brand of the country in domestic and foreign policy. This image should be formed on the basis of positive sociocultural events, historical facts, traditions and successes of the nation. The state brand should be formed on the basis of positive historical facts, traditions, faith and language. This positive image, for example, was formed in Russia through ballet. When forming cultural diplomacy, it is necessary to emphasize foreign policy priorities, the desire to form a positive image of the country, emphasizing, for example, the history of the state and the popularization of languages in the world. As part of this, it can be used:

  1. Arts (theatre, cinema, music, dance, painting, sculpture, exhibitions, such as International Exhibition EXPO, educational programs and events, academic and scientific program, language programs abroad);
  2. Literature (opening of libraries abroad and translation of National Works);
  3. Broadcasting news abroad;
  4. Religious diplomacy, initiatives of interreligious dialogue

Measures to support citizens abroad and protect their rights in the country of residence, preserve the cultural and humanitarian sphere, including the preservation of the mother tongue, the possibility of education in the mother tongue in the diaspora and access to television channels of the country of origin should be one of the priorities of foreign policy and an element of cultural diplomacy.

The events held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of culture through educational and cultural centers abroad play an important role in cultural dialogue.

According to American political scientist Naj, due to all these difficult and uncertain conditions for the implementation of soft power in the modern world, the so-called "smart power" is used, which combines both "soft power" and "hard power".

On the other hand, under the influence of the process of globalization, there is a difficulty in the process of preserving national values, which are drawn into the process of global "unification" and in this context, the preservation of national security depends on the preservation of cultural identity.

First of all, it should be noted that culture and diplomacy in Serbia's foreign policy are as old as Serbian Statehood. Diplomacy is primarily associated with the missions of St. Sava and his "diplomacy of the culture of peace" in the 13th century. century, as stated by Dr. Nenad A. Vasic in his scientific paper "diplomacy and culture of Serbia". This was diplomacy through a personal envoy, which also had a cultural dimension. The institutional structure of the Turkish government and the existence of various forms of self-government, as well as the Serbian church, influenced the restoration of Serbian statehood and the formation of modern Serbian Statehood. In an institutional context only the modern political age and the National advance of 1804. led by Leader Karadjordje Petrovic, it will contribute to the creation of a modern Serbian state and Serbian diplomacy. As the first diplomat in the field of culture, Prota Matija Nenadović is mentioned.

Unlike diplomacy, which in the history of Serbia has an intermittent character, since there was no state and therefore no diplomacy, this does not apply to Serbian culture, which has a centuries-old continuity. In addition to the deputations of Milos Obrenovic and the first Serbian consulate, i.e. Agency 17. February 1836. in Wallachia in Bucharest, the activities of Jovan Ristic in international negotiations at the Berlin Congress of 1878. the years when Serbia was granted the right to statehood will be especially important for diplomacy and culture. Stojan Novakovic was the chief strategist of Serbian cultural diplomacy in European Turkey.

Успон српске културе изражен је у књижевним, уметничким и музичким достигнућима периода од 1900. до 1918. године. Истовремено, Краљевина Србија је успела да створи парламентарну демократију, док је најбољи политички период српског парламентаризам био период од 1903. до 1912. а за то су заслужни уметници и научници као што су Јован Скерлић, Паја Јовановић, Стеван Стојановић Мокрањац. Треба напоменути да Кнежевина Србија није имала јасно дефинисану културну политику, али њени уметници су могли да остваре циљеве везане за културну политику кроз њихова уметничка дела и рад. „Познато је да Министарство културе, како се данас дефинише, није постојало, већ културна политика у Карађорђево време спроводи одлуке преко Владе и Министарства просвете <…> тако да је у последњим деценијама 19. Века, Министарство спољних послова постало  диригент културно-просветне политике у областима које нису биле у саставу српске кнежевине“, наводи Иван Марић у тексту „Културна политика Србије од 1804 до 1918.

It should be noted that Vuk Stefanović Karadžić who founded the Serbian house in Vienna, writers Petar Petrović Njegoš and Dositej Obradović were responsible for the formation of modern Serbian diplomacy in culture. The Ministry of foreign affairs existed until the end of the First World War, and was later defined not as a Serbian, but as a Yugoslav Ministry. After the end of World War II, a communist cultural pattern was established, which had an international character, but also had a new communist ideology. In accordance with this, the state was faced with the task of defending the socialist culture of self-government and establishing its values. The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has signed The Hague Convention on the preservation of cultural monuments during military conflicts, and the documents of the fourth Convention in Algeria against cultural imperialism over the cultures of developing countries have also been signed, says Nenad A. Vasic in the text "diplomacy and culture of Serbia: the state and perspectives. “

The essence of the new diplomatic cultural pattern is reflected in:

  1. Titoism-the cult of Josif Broz Tito
  2. The formula of government "Brotherhood and unity" and the ideology of socialist self-government
  3. Foreign policy and extra-block diplomacy, the formation of the third bloc of the Non-Aligned Movement against the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

This pattern continued until 1990. years and since 1990. to 5. October 2000. post-bipolar foreign policy of the new non-alignment, with foreign policy, cultural and diplomatic interest in cooperation with diplomats and representatives of culture of the Republic of Serbia. After 5. October 2000. there is a noticeable inconsistency in cultural policy and uncertainty of clear strategy and goals, which are mainly implemented by the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Serbia. That was until 2012. years. In the period since 2007. until 2012. the foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia was determined, which contained four pillars: the European Union, the Russian Federation, the United States and the people's Republic of China, which is officially implemented to this day.

18. February 2024. 

Source: Center for Geostrategic Studies


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Center for geostrategic studies is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in Belgrade at the founding assembly held on 28.02.2014. in accordance with the provisions of art.11. and 12. Law on associations ("Official Gazette of Rs", no.51/09). for an indefinite period of time, in order to achieve the goals in the field of scientific research of geostrategic relations and preparation of strategic documents, analysis and research. The association develops and supports projects and activities aimed at the state and national interests of Serbia, has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the register in accordance with the law. The mission of the Center for geostrategic studies is: "we are building the future, because Serbia deserves it: the values we represent are established through our history, culture and tradition. We believe that without the past there is no future. For this reason, in order to build the future, we must know our past and cherish our traditions. True values are always grounded, and the future cannot be built in a good direction without that foundation. In a time of disruptive geopolitical change, it is crucial to make wise choices and make the right decisions. Let go of all imposed and distorted ideas and artificial urges. We firmly believe that Serbia has enough quality and potential to determine its own future, regardless of threats and limitations. We are committed to the Serbian position and the right to decide our own future, bearing in mind the fact that historically there have been many challenges, threats and dangers that we have overcome. “ Vision: the Center for geostrategic studies aspires to become one of the world's leading organizations in the field of geopolitics. He also wants to become a local brand. We will try to interest the public in Serbia in international topics and gather all those interested in protecting state and national interests, strengthening sovereignty, preserving territorial integrity, preserving traditional values, strengthening institutions and the rule of law. We will act in the direction of finding like-minded people, both in the domestic and in the world public. We will focus on regional cooperation and networking of related NGOs, both at the regional and international level. We will launch projects at the international level to support the repositioning of Serbia and the preservation of territorial integrity. In cooperation with media houses, we will implement projects that are focused on these goals. We will organize education of interested public through conferences, round tables and seminars. We will try to find a model for the development of the organization that would enable the financing of the activities of the Center. Build a future together: If you are interested in cooperating with us, or to help the work of the Center for geostrategic studies, please contact us by e-mail:

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