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Who (really) was Dr. Ibrahim Rugova (1944−2006. Mr.)?

Written by: Dr Vladislav B. Sotirović

Current 2024. Mr. Marks the 80th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, one of the key shptar politicians who in 1990.- after the break-up of the SFRY, they worked wholeheartedly but secretly to break the territorial integrity of Serbia and, unfortunately, with the direct help of the West in this, they succeeded. Who (really) was Dr. Ibrahim Rugova?

The former political-national leader of Shiptar from Kosovo and Metohija, Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, otherwise in the West, as well as his supporters, at one time called "Gandhi of the Balkans", was born on 2. December 1944. Mr. Kosmet in a family that is part of the wider Kelmendi clan, which, among other things, "celebrated" 3. September 1987. Mr. massacre of JNA soldiers in Paracin barracks. On that occasion, Aziz Kelmendi (from Dusanovo) killed four JNA recruits with automatic weapons.[i] and wounded five more in the paracinese barracks "Branko Krsmanovic" (Niš Army area) which had a direct political consequence to stop sending Shiptars for military service where they received free training in the handling of weapons for later training in Kosovo in 1995-1999. otherwise, Azis Kelmendi himself was accepted for military service with a clean card even though he participated in anti-state demonstrations in Kosovo in 1981. G. for the creation of a large Rod[ii] which perfectly captures the picture of the already fallen Yugoslav People's army and the whole of prečan-partisan Titoslavia.[iii]

Who really was Dr. Ibrahim Rugova – "Balkan Gandhi"? In Rugova's pro-Western and "pro-democratic" resumes, which were made for one-time NATO use, you will not find that partisans of Austro-Hungarian corporal Josip Broz Tito treated Rugova's father (Uke Rugova) and paternal grandfather (Ruste Rugova) as Nazi collaborators, which they both were, and therefore and shot even before the end of the war itself (in January 1945. G). Thus, if titoist Communist sources and official ozna-udbovo propaganda claims that certain figures from the period of World War II from the territory of Yugoslavia of non-Serb ethnic provenance cooperated with the "Nazi occupiers" there is a huge probability that such a propaganda claim was in essence a mere real truth. A similar case was with Dr. Franjo Tudjman, a former communist partisan and president of "Democratic" Croatia, for whom the Communist literature itself confirms that the first four months of the war are 1941. Mr. he spent time in the Ustasha formations of Croat Anto Pavelic before moving to the partisans of another Croat Josip Broz Tito.[iv]

In any case, Ibrahim Rugova came from a classical Balkan peasant environment of Oriental-patriarchal type (the so-called “Balkan vukojebina” from which Broz's partisans also emerged) and, like many others from the former Yugoslavia after 1945. G., He used the possibilities of the titoist regime for free (mass quasi)education up to the highest level (which in the kosmet case was financed by the shortened and crippled prečansko-avnojevo Republic of Serbia, i.e. "Broz's pašaluk“) and thanks to this it has experienced a significant rise both on the social and political ladder (as well as many of Broz's comrades and their descendants from various Lika, Banija, kordunaš, Krajina and other prekodrin divisions from the”Balkan vukojebin").[v]

On this occasion, we will not engage in a critical analysis of the qualitative "level" of this kind of mass free "training" in the areas of the promised Broz "vukojebar" state[vi] especially in Kosovo in the era of Yugoslav self-government socialism. Thus Ibrahim Rugova finished Primary School in Istok and Secondary School in PEC in 1967. he studied at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Pristina at the Department of "Albanian studies" until 1971. when he graduated. Meanwhile, in 1968. he participated in the šiptar protest in Kosovo, whose main demands were that Kosovo be constitutionally declared the seventh Yugoslav Republic as the national state of Šiptar in Yugoslavia, but there were also demands that this southern province of the Republic of Serbia secede from it and join neighboring Šipnia in the same way as they were in 1945. Mr. agreed by Josip Broz Tito and Enver Hoxha. The year 1976. and 1977. Rugova studied at the University of Paris. He received his doctorate in 1984. Mr. Returning to Kosovo, he first worked as a teacher and later was elected president of the "Society of writers of Kosovo" which was obviously a branch of the "Society of writers of Serbia" as at that time the Pristina "Academy of Sciences and arts of Kosovo" was a branch of the Belgrade Sasa.

In the West Ibrahim Rugova remained visually recognizable by the silk scarf tied around his neck regardless of the seasons, socio-political situations in which he was in, and the environment in which he was in, and he did not take it off even during lunches or dinners with foreign diplomats and politicians. In the West, he remained so remembered as one of the fighters for the "just" decades-long struggle of Kosmetski Šiptar for their national and minority rights, regardless of the real fact that, if so (according to the 1974 Constitution. until 1989. G.) anyone in the whole world as an ethnic minority had all possible and impossible minority rights, territorial-political privileges and ethno-cultural privileges, these were precisely the Shiptar in Kosovo (Serbs in Croatia could only dream of such minority rights).

Formally the leader of the Citizens ' National Movement of Shiptar in Kosovo, Ibrahim Rugova was in fact already in July 1990. Mr. showed his true face and the essence of the movement behind him ("Democratic League Of Kosovo" (DLK), founded in 1989. G.) when he issued the "proclamation on the independence of Kosovo" as well as when he was elected the first "president" of the so-called Kosovo two years later. "Republic Of Kosovo". It must be noted that every schiptar nationalist-separatist movement was and remains essentially Islamic[vii] and so was this one led by Ibrahim Rugova, which was clearly shown precisely after the occupation of Kosovo by NATO in 1999. until today, when more new mosques were built in Kosovo and more Christian (Serbian) places of worship were demolished than during the 457 years of Ottoman occupation (1455-1912). G).[viii] So the Balkan Gandhi with a silk scarf around his neck is actually redrawing the political-state borders in Europe! The authorities of the state of Serbia reacted in accordance with all international regulations and domestic laws, just as the USA, France, Italy, Sweden or China would react, or as Turkey has already reacted in a similar situation (when it arrested the leader of the Kurdish separatist PKK Ocelan), so out of 120 members it is legal the dissolved "parliament of Kosovo" arrested 112 of them as well as 6 members of the so-called Kosovo. "The Government Of Kosovo".[ix] It should also be noted that at this time it is self-proclaimed so-called. the " independence of Kosovo "remained without any international support, in the era of" dictator "Slobodan Milosevic, but the" democratic "West recognized the equally self-proclaimed" independence of Kosovo " in February 2008. during the time of the "pro – Western Democrat" Boris Tadic-a typical client, a puppet, a runner and a poltron (of the West), by the way, a prekodrin Sarajevan of dubious ethnonational origin (as well as his countryman Vojislav Šešelj).

At this point, we must also look at the fact that in the Western media the policy of (Milosevic's) Belgrade towards the shippers in Kosovo in 1990.- they are characterized as" dictatorial and oppressive "given that"the Albanians in Kosovo have been deprived of their autonomy".[x] This is, however,a notorious propaganda lie because only political-territorial autonomy (i.e. according to the 1974 constitution. state independence) under whose auspices ethnic cleansing of the Serbian population in this province was carried out until 1989. many national minorities in Europe and the world today would be too satisfied with the level of ethno-cultural autonomy enjoyed by the Shptarians in Kosovo even in 1990.- for years, and primarily Russians in Estonia and Latvia, but also e.g. various minorities in Shpnia, and about Kurds in Turkey and not to mention considering that as such they are not even recognized to exist.[xi] In other words, many of today's "Democratic" states both in Europe (including the European Union) and in the world can study the case of Kosovo autonomy from Milosevic's 1990s.- years as a model that can be applied in their cases, and above all in France, Sweden, Shipnia or Turkey. The latter already submitted an official candidacy for membership in the European Union fifty years ago and was granted candidate status in 1999. G. as a reward for the disrespect of the rights of national minorities, the Asylum of the Kurds and the military occupation of 40% of the state territory of the Republic of Cyprus as early as 1974. Mr.[xii]

Element, 1990.- in these years, a notorious terrorist organization of the type Al-Qaeda, Hamas, IRA, ETA or Hezbollah – the so-called. "Liberation Army of Kosovo" (UÇK). It is interesting that in these new "terrorist" kosmet conditions Rugova officially denounced the activities of the UÇK, but for the reason that he publicly considered this paramilitary organization to be an "invention of the Serbian Secret Service", and not because the members of this organization carried out terrorist acts both against the regular and legitimate police forces of the state of Serbia and against the local Serbian population.but also against the local ethnic šiptar who were loyal to the state of Serbia, which for them was the Western Road to Europe as opposed to Velika šipnia as an Autostrada to Ottoman Anatolia.[xiii] How the "democratic" West reacts to the actions of such terrorist organizations can be seen in the examples of the Israeli regular army in Palestine and especially Beirut or NATO forces in Iraq or Afghanistan.[xiv]

At that time, the underground "Parliament of Kosovo" and the "Government of Kosovo" were established and operated by Rugova's political organization. the prime minister/chancellor was Bujar Bukosi who "presided" over this phantom Kosovo government from Germany, which received financial support from the shiptar Gastarbeiter emigration. This government was only recognized by neighbouring Shipnia (or in Europe known as Albania). In many other similar cases in the world, countries that recognize the self-proclaimed independence of one of your country's regions would break diplomatic relations if not declare war. That's the way it is. Georgia severed diplomatic relations with Russia in 2008. when Moscow recognized the self-declared independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, but for some "inexplicable reason", neither did Milosevic break diplomatic relations with Shipnia (or any other state) in 1990.- in those years, she recognized the self-proclaimed independence of Pristina, nor did Sarajlija Boris Tadic after 17. February 2008. Mr.[xv] Perhaps because, in both Dinaric dimensions, Serbia has never been, because it could not have been, a true Fatherland that is loved and for which one dies.

The year 1999. during the NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia[xvi] Rugova appeared on the state television of the Republic of Serbia together with its imported from Montenegro President Slobodan Milosevic (very likely born in the Montenegrin "vukojebina" left River and not in Požarevac) and Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Mr. Pavlo in order to officially criticize the bombing and destruction it brings, but he soon left the country he emigrated to Italy and thus in fact showed that he tacitly approved of the aggression in order to secede Kosmet from Serbia and later create Velika šipnia just as it was in 1997. just before the 1998 Kosovo war. Mr. public and declared as the political goal of his DLK. Dr. Zoran Djindjic, a native of Bosanski Šamac, did something similar, who took refuge during the same aggression in 1999. Mr. to Montenegro and publicly in his interviews with the Western media called on NATO bombers to complete the work (so that the Herceg-Bosnian "Democrat" would come to power after the Montenegrin "dictator" Milosevic in their foreign country Serbia).

By the way, during the genocide-bombing operation "merciful angel" turned out to be incorrect original information that was circulated in the Western media that Ibrahim Rugova's family house was razed to the ground by the Yugoslav army at the end of March. The house remained intact until the end of the bombing, and he returned to it after the signing of the Kumanovo Agreement in June 1999. Mr. just as Dr. Zoran Djindjic returned to the (foreign) country to eventually end up as Abraham Lincoln.

Unlike the official political leaders of the terrorist UÇK-type Hashim Thaci, Rugova did so throughout 1990.- for many years he managed to present himself in the "democratic" West as a supporter of passive resistance to Milosevic's regime of Mahatma Gandhi (1869). 1948. in India during British colonial rule. What is most important of all in terms of relations in the Triangle UÇK-Belgrade-Rugova 1990.- it is a fact that the West at least officially accepted the "self-image" of Dr. Ibrahim Rugova as a rival and opponent of the UÇK and their terrorist methods of fighting for the secession of the southern province of Serbia from its natural motherland. That's how it was in 1998.- in that year he was re-elected as the "president" of Kosovo, but more importantly, he received by the "European" Parliament (i.e. only the European Union, but not the whole of Europe, and consequently not Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Andorra.) "Sakharov Prize for freedom of thought" and thus became a legalized "freedom fighter" by Brussels and the West.[xvii]

Dr. Ibrahim Rugova is like a writer, i.e. a lover of beautiful and innocent art, he enjoyed the image in the West as the leader of a peaceful and non-violent national political movement, in contrast to the uçk terrorist guerrilla (otherwise fully properly uniformed and fully armed). What little is known, however, is the fact that Rugova's DLK party had its own armed formation under the name "security for the fatherland" and that Rugova himself personally organized it. There are indications that members of this Rugova's party army (of the Paraguayan HOS type) were involved in attacks on the publisher of the Pristina liberal daily "Koha Ditore".[xviii] Their victim was the Office of Vetton Suroi, who criticized the entire DLK as a party confronting its political opponents by force.[xix] That the DLK, through its military wing "Security for the homeland", engaged in terrorist activities during the time of The "Slobodan's nineties", testified and submitted a file to UNMIK in early 2005. G. by the notorious terrorist Hashim Thaci (whose UÇK in 1998. Mr. cut the heads of Serbian civilians with their heads cut off and took a photo in the village of Klečki in Metohija, and, among other things, organized a real crematorium for Serbs in that same village), but Rugova's political opponent who (very probably Thaci) organized The Assassination of Rugova as the so-called. "President of Kosovo" 15. March 2005. Mr. As the German (from Hamburg) leading Political Weekly wrote Der Spiegel number 22.- Om from 2005. Mr. Thaci's dossier lists specific examples with evidence that Rugova'S DLK ordered murders (the organizers of which were probably members of Rugova's "Homeland Security") as well as evidence that the DLK engaged in extorting money for the purpose of financing party activity.

Finally, it must be noted that the ethnic cleansing of Serbs in the course of the so-called "ethnic cleansing". The March pogrom, TJ. "Crystal days and nights" from 17.up to 19.in March 2004. in the classical style of Nazi anti-Semitic Kristallnacht operations 9. November 1938. and the following days), played precisely during the" presidential " term of Ibrahim Rugova (who was the so-called. "President of Kosovo" from 4. March 2002. G to 21. January 2006. G). On that occasion, "over 4000 Serbs were expelled, over 800 Serbian homes were set on fire and 35 Orthodox churches and cultural monuments were destroyed or severely damaged".[xx] However, the then "president of Kosovo" with a silk scarf around his neck not only did not resign after this three-day Kristallnacht (as many real presidents of some true States who did not pass the system of titoist free and mass education for "werewolves" and who do not descend from fathers and grandfathers who collaborated with the Nazis in World War II), but did not nor did he condemn in the proper way such admiration of his ethnic fellow citizens.

Dr Vladislav B. Sotirović

Ex-University professor

Vilnius, Lithuania

Researcher-Associate of the Center for geostrategic studies

29. May 2024.

Notes with text:

[i] Том приликом су убијени на спавању Сафет Дудаковић, Срђан Симић, Горан Бегић и Хазим Џанановић.

[ii] He served in the military in Leskovac 19. September 1986. Mr. sent Hisni Rugova, secretary for General National Defense and social self – protection in Prizren-hence a tribal relative of Ibrahim Rugova. In his military file with which he arrived at Leskovac barracks (from which he was later reassigned to Paracin) there was nothing suspicious written because in Lipljan, where Keljmendi was led as a military bondsman, nothing was entered even though the entire Keljmendi family was sufficiently known to the state security authorities as hostile. Azis is 1984. Mr. he was sentenced to 15 days in prison for trying to flee to neighboring Shipnia, while his brother Idriz also spent 15 days in prison because in 1981. Mr. caught writing enemy inscriptions. Both were sentenced to such small sentences because they were minors at the time. However, the biggest surprise is the fact that the killer Azis Kelmendi was a member of the SKJ when he committed a terrorist act in the Paracin barracks, and he became a member of the party 22. December 1984. G., on the official birthday of the army he shot into three years later (a member of the same SKJ party at this time was also Dr. Vojislav Šešelj). It is not at all excluded that Kelmendi's crime was premeditated by the provincial party structures through which he infiltrated the ranks of the JNA.

[iii] Jevrem Damnjanović, Kosovo Golgotha. Special edition, BR. 7, Belgrade, 22. October 1988, Politika interview, P. 58.

[iv] About Josip Broz Tito, see one of the latest biographies: Jože Pirjevec, Tito and comrades, I-II, Belgrade: Laguna, 2013. How much was Tito, bideti in: Vladan Dinić, Tito is Tito. The ultimate truth, Belgrade: NAVMARK doo, 2013.

[v] From such a classical "Balkan vukojebina" (specifically eastern Herzegovina) were, for example, most of the members of Young Bosnia, or their ideologists, as was the school example with Vladimir Gaćinović (1890-1917). G.) A native of the village of Kačanj near Bileća-the son of a Serbian Orthodox priest (Misha Glenny,The Balkans: Nationalism, War and the Great Powers, 1804-1999, New York: Viking, 1999, pp. 293-297).

[vi] About Broz's partisan-prečan "promised land – - Titoslavia, see: Aleksa N. Dragnić, Tito's Promised Land Yugoslavia, Belgrade: Čigoja štampa, 2004.

[vii] Jevtic M., "The Islamic essence of Albanian secessionism and the cultural heritage of Serbs", National interest, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2013, pp. 231-252.

[viii] On Kosovo and Metohija in Serbian history see (Radovan Samardžić and others, Kosovo and Metohija in Serbian history, Belgrade: Srpska književna Zadruga, 1989). On the history of Serbian-šiptar relations in Kosovo and Metohija see Dušan t. Bataković, Kosovo and Metohija in Serbian-Albanian relations, Belgrade: Čigoja štampa, 2006).

[ix] Let's start with the American Civil War in 1861. G. - 1865. G. began the war operations of the Federalist North against the secessionist South, since the federal government in Washington did not allow the southern states to secede from the rest of the United State on the basis of the right of self – determination to secede-rights that eleven southern states exercised and declared independence on the basis of their own interpretation, i.e.. interpretation of the U.S. Constitution as well as the so-called. the "natural" right. These eleven seceded states formed an independent Confederacy with the capital city of Richmond, Virginia and its president Jefferson Davis. In order to weaken the Confederate war position, the Union's Jewish President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation on the emancipation of slaves, but which only applied to the South. During this war, many cities in the South were burned and demolished by the Federal Army of the North, and a large number of citizens in the South fled their homes suffering enormously from food shortages as Northern soldiers destroyed their crops in the South. Lincoln is on the 14th. April 1865. he was assassinated at the Ford Theatre in Washington by John Wilkes Booth (Henry Bemford Parks)., History Of The United States Of America, Belgrade: Rad, 1986, pp. 367-391; Oxford Guide it British and American Culture for learners of English, Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2005, p. 88). So this is what Western "democracies" do when they secede from their state territories certain provinces without the permission of the central government.

[x] This autonomy was given to the Shiptars in Kosovo and Metohija by the prekodrin communists dinariodes who during the Cold War were presented by the West as anti-democrats, oppressors, imperialists and violators of basic human rights in Yugoslavia. These same titoist South-communists made a decision on a temporary (in fact permanent) ban on the return of settlers (i.e. Serbs and "Montenegrins") to Kosovo and Metohija, who were expelled from there during Mussolini's and later Hitler's great Shipnia, 1941-1945. this is the so-called Decision. The" National Committee for the liberation of Yugoslavia " on the legalization of šiptar ethnic cleansing in the previous four years, when about 100,000 Serbs and "Montenegrins" were expelled from Kosovo, and about 20,000 were officially published in the titoist The Official Gazette of the Democratic federal Yugoslavia 16. March 1945. G., even before the actual and official end of the Second World War, and in the midst of the šiptar "counter-revolution" for the extension of the existence of Velika Šipnia based on the decisions of the recent conference in Bujan.

[xi] On the Kurdish question see Gerard Chaliand (editor), A people Without a Country: the Kurds and Kurdistan, Interlink Publishing Group, 1993; Quil Lawrence, Invisible Nation: How the Kurds ' Quest for Statehood is Shaping Iraq and the Middle East, New York: Macmillan, 2008; Michael M. Gunter, The Evolving Solution to the Kurdish Problem in Iraq and Turkey, London-New York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2008; Cenk Saraçoglu, Kurds of Modern Turkey: Migration, Neoliberalism and Exclusion in Turkish Society, Tauris Academic Studies, 2010).

[xii] In all of Europe and the European Union, France and Sweden are the two most centralist, i.e. the two most anti-Federalist countries. In contrast, one" undemocratic " Russia is a federal state.

[xiii] Dr. Ibrahim Rugova, as the leader of the LDK, officially treated these terrorist actions of his fellow soldiers in UÇK uniforms as " provocative Assembly of the Serbian authorities "(Mirko Cupic, Stolen land. Kosovo and Metohija (crimes, persecutions, resistance...), Belgrade: NOLIT, 2006, p. 249).

[xiv] During the 1993 riot of the black population of Los Angeles against white police terror. the U.S. Federal Government took tanks out on the streets of this city.

[xv] Armenia in 2012. Mr. sever diplomatic relations with Hungary only because the court in Budapest released an Azerbaijani officer who killed his Armenian counterpart at a joint NATO training in Brussels. This is what those who have at least a crumb of self-sufficiency do.

[xvi] Illegal and illegal (e.g. the Bandit-robber war of NATO against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia of 24. March to 10. June 1999. G. see a Western documentary from three short works: http://youtu.be/joaNkHKxapk, http://youtu.be/Gaz8rzUW0Lc, http://youtu.be/K4vzr8l3FvU.

[xvii] Year 2012. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the European Union as a collective. On the role of the European Union in directly supporting the ethnic cleansing of Kosovo and the narco-terrorist shptar UÇK government in Pristina after June 1999. Mr. see, among other things, in Boris Malagurski's documentary film: Kosovo: Can You Imagine? from 2009. Mr.:


[xviii] Hannes Hofbauer, Experiment Kosovo. Return colonialism, Belgrade: Albatros Plus, 2009, pp. 167. The Daily "Koha Ditore", by the way, provides on its website a weather forecast for the three main cities of šiptar: Pristina, Tirana and Skopje (http://www.kohaditore.com).

[xix] Hofbauer, ibid.

[xx] March pogrom in Kosovo and Metohija: 17-19. March 2004. a brief overview of the destroyed and endangered Christian Cultural Heritage, Министрарство културе Републике Србије и Музеј у Приштини [са измештеним седиштем], Београд, 2004, стр. 8.


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