Written By: Cvijetin Milivojević
A member of the Serbian people who does not reside on the territory of the Republic of Serbia shall be entitled to be admitted to the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia without discharge from foreign citizenship, if he has reached the age of 18 and has not been deprived of his business ability and if he submits a written statement that he considers the Republic of Serbia his country. (Law on citizenship of the Republic of Serbia, Article 23)
The Republic of Serbia shall protect the rights and interests of its citizens abroad. The Republic of Serbia develops and improves the relations of Serbs living abroad with their home country. (Constitution of the Republic of Serbia: protection of citizens and Serbs abroad, Article 13)
Why, despite these constitutional and legal provisions, only twenty thousand Serbs (in December 2023, Dodik claimed: only 13,000 out of a million and something!) who live in the Republic of Srpska, besides BH, also have Serbian citizenship, we received the answer at the Sretenje countermeasure of the Serbian Progressive Party in Sremska Mitrovica?
It is true that, on the eve of last year's all-Serbian Assembly, interior minister Dacic boasted that as many as 590,988 people who held the citizenship of BiH received the citizenship of Serbia. But when you do a little bit of digging, you can see that it has been in the period since 1997. by 2023. there have been 230,000 such cases since 2003. until 2013. another 186,000, and as of 2014. by 2024. about 170,000, which leads to the conclusion that here, mostly, these are people who, during the war and after, emigrated to Serbia or lived in it even before the breakup of the SFRY, when only Yugoslav, and not republic, Serbian or Bosnian, citizenship was important.
That is exactly why the mentioned Little Hijawata from Banja Luka repeatedly asked the Great Chief of all Serbian tribe that all citizens of Srpska, just like the entire Croatian diaspora citizenship of Croatia or Hungary Hungary – “automatically receive Serbian citizenship, not as it is now, with complicated procedures”.
Which, to this day, in the 13 years of the rule of the “greatest Serb in the history of Srpska”, has not happened.
Which means that Article 23 of the Constitution does not exactly” work “as prescribed, but Serbian citizenship outside Serbia can be obtained, but under additional, special,” advanced " conditions, guarantees and merits.
The party countermeasures of Eta-en-EZA in the Roman Sirmium were dominated by a banner: “I will Wolf, father of our nation”. So I remembered the first “Father of the nation”, the writer Dobrica Cosic, who, as a former communist and lifelong national-leftist, admitted that “his” (partisans), at the beginning of the war, “the priority was not war with the Germans, but chasing Chetniks”.
Just like today, which in no way can definitively decide which foreign enemy - Oli Ameri Oli EU Oli Rusi-would rather “bring him down, i.e. Serbia, because he is Serbia,” he does not admit that, in fact, the priority of all priorities is the persecution of Serbian youth and that he would “prefer” that his internal political opponent be a weak political opposition, because with it he would be easy, and with these students he does not know how.
Which is why, as, defending serbdom, Serbia and Srpska, inventing that there is supposedly some powerful internal force that would separate Vojvodina from Serbia – led the Serbs, those on the Left Bank of the Drina, against the Serbs from Serbia.
The one who cursed us did not perish!
Photo: Aleksandar Vucic and Milorad Dodik in Sremska Mitrovica
He brought the citizens of the Republic of Srpska to the party rally of his dying party and the "movement for blank support to the AV for anything about anything, even unconstitutional, for him to decide"-in order to present and appoint them as the Praetorian Guard, in front of and around him, who will, not Serbia but himself, on the day of Serbian Statehood, "defend" against Sumadija, Kragujevac, Novi Sad, Niš and Belgrade!?
He told all of them that the students wanted to bring down Serbia.
He frightened the Serbian chief and the entire Serbian people, with the unselfish help of the little Hijawata from Banja Luka, the citizens of the Republic of Srpska with a shameless lie that any other government in Serbia, except his advanced one, would not only let the Serbian people down the water, but would also help the suppression of Serbian people across the Drina river.
And Little Hijawata, instead of apologizing for the illegal participation (and manipulation of the most sincere national feelings of Serbs from Srpska) in electoral engineering on the side of the Vucic regime, goes a step further on the previous mockery of the local elections in Serbia. He went so far that, as a sort of self-appointed Supreme arbitrator of patriotism, he impudently urged all those who did not applaud the chief (or himself) to, in fact, overthrow Serbia and Srpska.
"I don't even have the right to think differently. I don't want to look at anyone who destroys Serbia. I don't like any of them. I do not even tolerate their right to think differently if they do not love Serbia and live here.", said The Little Hijawata dopumpani Chief of "message Boh".
What would they say today, if they could say it all, Milosevic or Djindjic or, if they wanted, Kostunica and Tadic, therefore, all those people with whom little Hijawata, as with representatives of Serbia, cooperated and even friends and strangers with some of them?
The ruling parties from Srpska, but also a good part of the opposition there, all these 13 years of "primacy", very loudly, with a finger in the eye of the local critical public and opposition, not only in word but also in part (party leaders from Srpska illegally, and even transparently, vote for the SNS in the local elections in Serbia) support the present the regime in Serbia, but the most shameful thing is that the official Banjaluka today sends a message that all the youth that has risen in the protection of the constitution and Law, Law and justice in Serbia – is "anti-Serbian"?!
Those who still believe that, somewhere in secret, the chief and The Little Hijawata are "creating an all-Serbian strategy and vision" and planning something big, all-Serbian, let them remember how the official Belgrade titulates and treats the German who Banja Luka does not recognize for the so-called. the High Representative.
Or, let them remember how last summer, on the day when the Assembly of Srpska had a scheduled debate on the proposal of the disengagement platform in BiH, from the French airport "Tesla" in Surčin to Mahovljana, with all Ferman and Silk gaitane for the little Hijawata, the Chief Secretary of AB I – debates on the separation, to this day, was not.
Yesterday, the chief and The Little Hiawatha were at Attila the Hun of God at Randev. When they were already there, they could, if they did not want from the Croat, prescribe from Hungary a "recipe" for the effective exercise of the rights of the Serbian people in the diaspora: express automatic citizenship of the mother country, voting rights in parliamentary (and presidential) elections, of course, not in local elections in the mother country, but also the Constitution of an electoral unit only for the diaspora that would have direct passage and guaranteed several seats from dispersal in the Serbian parliament.
When he loves Serbs from outside Serbia so much, why did the head of State, during these 13 years of self-rule, not only provide passive (to use them as a voting body), but also active voting rights for Serbian dispersal, as did Hungary or Croatia for his diaspora?
Instead, the Belgrade authorities abused Serbian patriotism by blackmailing the granting of citizenship to Serbs outside Serbia with the obligation of these newly enrolled citizens to revamp their motherland (READ: Chiefs) by even in local elections (as if it were physically possible to have two permanent residences at the same time!), vote for the party in power, and when it stops – well, like this rally "for the salvation of Vojvodina", they come and heartily complain against "the other", and in fact majority Serbia, which has been seeking law and justice for three months.
But it is precisely this that the all-Serbian ruler will not, because this would lose the key" argument of pressure " in the purchase of the Serbian electorate from BiH, Croatia and Montenegro, as well as the indirect influence on millions of Serbian citizens who are of some kind of origin on the other side of the Drina, Sava and Danube.
More Chiefs Love false care for Serbs outside Serbia and fear of the beast with a solution, i.e. those who, if they came to power in Serbia, "one hundred percent betrayed" the Serbs from the surrounding area.
It is as if someone from the very top of the dying regime wants, as the last line of his own defense, to create a sadistic hatred of Serbs Serbs towards Serbs outside Serbia and vice versa.
Will the Chief of the lion sitting on two Hoklice (LXNDH) and The Little Hyaw – as Nebojsa Romcevic asks – "succeed what no occupier has succeeded in: to turn the Drina into an unbreakable border within a people"?
Source: Why does the Chief turn Serbs outside Serbia against Serbs from Serbia? - Uncensored
20. February 2025.