Geopolitics and politics

Paul Craig Roberts: do Western governments deserve popular support?

Written By Paul Craig Roberts

If Trump has any chance of winning, he must take on the corrupt American justice system and Congress.

Corrupt judges are more than honest. Hardly any court decision deserves to be complied with, because they are nothing but a court War. Consider New York Attorney General Letitia James, implanted by George Soros's billions who hate America and used by him in his relentless attack on America. Her cases, such as the one against vDare (an American internet media outlet that opposes immigration), are for the sole purpose of punishing people who tell the truth, especially if they are white. There is no reason to respect a court decision, as it is usually a judgment for the sake of interest, or for the imposition of tyranny, or in the interest of ideology, and not for the sake of Justice. The same goes for the U.S. Supreme Court. It was this court that gave corporations the right to buy the U.S. government campaign contributions.

The heartless Americans have allowed their country to collapse so much that it is unclear that even Donald Trump can save us.

Americans who preferred to watch a soap opera or a football game to be aware of their country's plight helped the cultural Marxists, or Democratic Party, to destroy America. Now, because of the failure of the American people, Trump and a few of his appointees have the task and risks of saving America, a country where America's deadly enemies, such as critical race theorists and transgender theorists, are thoroughly institutionalized, indeed, much more than the Trump government.

Who will save America? Press Press. Democratic Party. Totally corrupt CIA and FBI. A corrupt American government. University professors. Anti-American offshore corporations. Washington's NATO puppets whose income depends on Washington's bribes. Rhino. Republican in name only, RINO) Republicans who are an integral part of the corrupt American establishment provoked by Trump. And the list goes on.

Think for a moment, what is the Western government?

It is a government that persistently refuses to defend its borders while violating the borders of other countries.

It is a government in which women and the population are generally denied protection from rape and crime by immigrant occupiers.

It is a government that by bribes and threats and bombs destroys the sovereignty of other countries.

The worst of all is that it is a government aligned with Satan against God.

As all Western governments exist today, no moral person can support any of them. They are creatures of Satan. Pray for Trump. This brave man started a war with Satan, as represented by the Western governments protecting Satan's earthly home in Israel.

Even Trump was compromised because he aligned himself with Israel.

Source: Do Western Governments Deserve the people's Support? |

9. February 2025.


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