
Donald Trump ‘least popular President in history of political polling’

Concerning the US election and Trump Presidency and his performance, an interview was conducted with Mrs.  Dragna Trifkovic


Trump is (again per FiveThirtyEight) back in last place in approval ratings at this number of days after being sworn in of any President in the polling era.

I last checked in on Donald Trump’s approval numbers when they were rising modestly. They’ve now been retreating, at least by FiveThirtyEight’s estimate, for the last three weeks, and he’s now back down to 37.7 percent approval. Some of this movement could just be random fluctuation, and the exact estimates are different from various poll averagers; RealClearPolitics, for example, has him slightly higher. But the basic story is about the same.

Trump is (again per FiveThirtyEight) back in last place in approval ratings at this number of days after being sworn in of any President in the polling era.

And his “net” approval (subtracting disapproval) has been the worst among those 13 presidents every day of his presidency, and it’s never been particularly close. Currently he’s within a single percentage point of same-day Gerald Ford in approval, but at -18.3, his net approval is 9 percentage points worse than Ford’s, and every other president was in positive territory at this point.

All of that with the more-or-less peace and something very close to prosperity — the two things that generally drive whether US citizens like their Presidents or not.

While we can argue about whether he’s flattened out in the mid-to-high 30s or if his popularity continued to gradually erode over the last several months, what is clear is just what an astonishing, and still not properly appreciated, achievement this is. Put aside questions about how well a start this bad predicts how he’ll be seen in November 2018 or November 2020: To get this unpopular, this fast, and to do it in an era of relatively good times, is just breathtaking.

Granted, it’s not quite true that because the president is so unpopular, everything he’s done must feed into that unpopularity. But I do think it’s impressive enough that our default should be that whatever he’s doing is unlikely to be working on this score. I’ve seen people claim he’s winning his fight against the NFL, for example, but the numbers certainly don’t suggest that’s the case.

Read more:http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-least-popular-president-polls-approval-rating-drops-a8004246.html


the international policy strategist:

The situation we are facing in the world is, the interferences and bullying of the US government especially in the Middle East , which Causes insecurity and worries in the world . Trump’s election from the US warmongers as a US president and his unwise actions and wicked steps will put all the governments and even the American people in a state of uncertainty and the problems of the world become more and more complex every day, and such actions by an incapacitated president puts the world on the brink of a big war. If you agree with the comment, I appreciate to have your opinion and viewpoints on my questions.

  • Regarding Niki Haley, US ambassador to the United Nations declarations on decertifying Iran’s compliance to the nuclear commitments by Trump and aligning her remarks with Trump, what is your opinion about Trump government’s approach to the future of the JCPOA?


Mrs Trifkovic: It is difficult to give a precise answer as to what Tramp’s stance will be concerning the Iranian agreement of 2015. Since the arrival of Trump to power, a campaign against Iran has obviously intensified, and the US administration has been saying some harsh words. Donald Tramp repeated several times that Iran supports terrorism and it is clear that he sees Iran as a destabilizing factor in the Middle East. The reality is completely different, Iran is one of the main factors of stability in this area and is openly fighting terrorism. The problem is the policy of the United States and its strategic partners in the Middle East (Saudi Arabia and Israel). They say they are fighting terrorism, and on the example of Syria, we can see that exactly the opposite is happening. They fight against legitimately elected authorities and President Bashar al-Assad, and they help terrorist groups. These countries play a major role in the destabilization of Syria, or the entire Middle East.

The United States is obviously bothered by the spreading of Iranian influence, especially because Iran is a sovereign State. If the United States continues to pursue its anti-Iranian policy, it will mean that they do not intend to stop the destabilization of the Middle East.


  • What are the main reasons for dismantling the Iran nuclear deal by the US government?


Mrs Trifkovic: The US has a long-established system that exerts pressure on those countries that it does not control, that is, the authorities that do not suit the US. In addition to economic sanctions against Iran, the United States is exhausting Russia and other countries in the same way. They also put pressure on Yugoslavia in the same way. The solution is in an alternative economic and financial model, in which the United States will not have a dominant role, the rejection of the dollar as the main reserve currency, the search for new trade routes. The main reason for suspending the deal with Iran for the United States is the continuation of an aggressive foreign policy that is continuing from the collapse of the USSR. Iran is a country with a strategic position in the Middle East and great natural resources. The United States wants to maintain world domination and use the resources of other countries. I am afraid that, for that reason, conflicts in the Middle East will continue for a long time.


  • With respect to the current support of the European authorities for JCPOA, in what extent will they support the agreement and oppose to the US government?


Mrs Trifkovic: The EU countries that have reached an agreement with Iran have not openly criticized Iran in the way that the US is doing it. We still need to keep in mind that the EU countries are not sovereign, and that they are under a great influence of the United States. Here we can exclude the United Kingdom, who has decided to leave the EU, and which has a partially sovereign policy. Germany and France are forced to make decisions to their own detriment because of the United States, such as the decision to impose sanctions on Russia, where great harm is done to the economies of those countries. In that sense, I think that the reaction of Russia and China is more important. The EU is no longer an important factor in international relations. The EU countries are likely to try to stay aside in an eventual further political clash between the United States and Iran, unless they get an explicit message that they should stand with the United States.


  • What are Trump’s and the US officials’ points of view about the independence referendum of Iraqi Kurdistan?


Mrs Trifkovic: Trump and the US administration did not give open support to the referendum in Iraq, but Israel did. The Iraqi Kurds even carried the Israeli flags by celebrating the referendum results. The United States and Israel have now all their hopes pinned in the Kurds. Supporting the disintegration of Iraq, Syria, and potentially both Iran and Turkey (Kurdish territory), the United States and Israel want to position themselves through the Kurdish factor. In Syria, the United States is arming and training Kurdish groups, seeking to indirectly seize large oil resources in Deir ez-Zor. Turkey has recently discovered that the United States has military bases in Syria, in the Kurdish-controlled territories. I think it will be bad for the Kurds to count on the US support and to get into conflicts in the Middle East for that same reason. The United States does not want to help the Kurds, but to achieve their economic and political goals in the Middle East. The reason why the United States does not publicly support the establishment of Kurdistan is the need to do it from the shadows. So far, the US policy in the Middle East has been functioning on these bases. I hope that both Iran and Syria will be able to preserve their territorial integrity.



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