Geopolitics and politics

The national movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland" condemns the diversion and explosion on the canal of the Ibar-Lepenac hydro system

Information Service of the people's movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland"

The people's movement of Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija "Fatherland" condemns the diversion and explosion on the canal of the Ibar-Lepenac hydro system in the village of Varage and believes that violence is not the way to solve the many problems encountered in the southern Serbian province. Violent methods only make life difficult for both Serbs and Albanians and cannot lead to the prosperity of both peoples.

This silent event, however, cannot obscure the reality that is happening in the north of Kosovo and Metohija. Serbs in this area are exposed to terror, violence, beating of innocent citizens, kidnapping of institutions and buildings with the conscious goal of making life worse for Serbs by the regime of Albin Kurti. Institutions of the Serbian state and the provisional council itself were abolished, banks closed, post offices Closed, which left more than 2000 Serbs without their jobs. Most of them who were left without jobs have already left southern Serbian porcine.

Buildings belonging to the Serbs and built with the money of the state of Serbia are brutally seized and, as a rule, handed over to the Ministry of police of the separatist regime in Pristina. Thus, the spa in Banja Luka, where 50 people worked, where Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija were treated, was literally kidnapped and the police settled there. The facilities of the factory in Čečevo, which were private property of the Serbs, as well as land in the village of Gornji Jasenovik, which belonged to the Serbs, were taken from the Serbs by the government in Pristina and, as a rule, again assigned to the police. In Gornji Jasenovik, a gabarit police barracks similar to Bondsteel was built and construction was supervised and secured by KFOR. Interestingly, even though more than three years have passed, none of the owners have been paid any compensation and more than 15 hectares of land are being worked on. Five bezin pumps in the north of Kosovo and Metohija were taken from the Serbs and handed over to the Albanians. Since Serbs do not want to market in these facilities, although the fuel is Cheaper Than at other stations, the government in Pristina pays the workers at these stations from its own funds with the main goal of expanding north Kosovo and Metohija. More than 200 Albanian houses are being built in the northern part of Kosovska Mitrovica, where Albin Kurti is thus trying to change the ethnic structure in this municipality. All these actions give rise to anger, anger and revolt in the Serbs.

The Ibar-Lepenac hydro system and the canal itself was built with money from Belgrade. Negotiations in Vienna in 2008. Pristina insisted that it continue to repay the loan, but Belgrade refused and returned the entire loan to the end. This only shows that the Ibar-Lepenac hydrosystem is the property of the state of Serbia, but that did not bother Albin Kurti to get hold of it in a brutal way. A bit tragicomic is bringing Albanians to bathe on the beaches of Gazivode lake this summer. Each of the bathers was given 20 euros to bathe and paint there and to show the triumph of the Government of Albin Kurti and his victory over the Serbs. Jumping off the bridge again for the purpose of personal advertising of this regime almost ended in the loss of the lives of the two jumpers.

Unfortunately, although all this is happening in front of the eyes of the countries of the Quinta, none of these countries to this day put themselves in the protection of Serbs, and the regime of Aleksandar Vucic in order to "harm" Albina kurti forced more than 800 Serbian police officers in the north of Kosovo and Metohija to leave their jobs.

In order for things in Kosovo and Metohija, especially in the north, to return to normal and to avoid various diversions and explosions, the government in Pristina could return to their jobs members of the KPS police who expressed their readiness to perform their duty again. It seems impolite that in all four districts in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, the commanders of police stations are exclusively Albanian. This is far from even Ahtisaari's plan, which is so wholeheartedly and triumphantly supported by the separatist regime in Pristina.

30. November 2024.




About Центар за геостратешке студије

Center for geostrategic studies is a non-governmental and non-profit association, founded in Belgrade at the founding assembly held on 28.02.2014. in accordance with the provisions of art.11. and 12. Law on associations ("Official Gazette of Rs", no.51/09). for an indefinite period of time, in order to achieve the goals in the field of scientific research of geostrategic relations and preparation of strategic documents, analysis and research. The association develops and supports projects and activities aimed at the state and national interests of Serbia, has the status of a legal entity and is registered in the register in accordance with the law. The mission of the Center for geostrategic studies is: "we are building the future, because Serbia deserves it: the values we represent are established through our history, culture and tradition. We believe that without the past there is no future. For this reason, in order to build the future, we must know our past and cherish our traditions. True values are always grounded, and the future cannot be built in a good direction without that foundation. In a time of disruptive geopolitical change, it is crucial to make wise choices and make the right decisions. Let go of all imposed and distorted ideas and artificial urges. We firmly believe that Serbia has enough quality and potential to determine its own future, regardless of threats and limitations. We are committed to the Serbian position and the right to decide our own future, bearing in mind the fact that historically there have been many challenges, threats and dangers that we have overcome. “ Vision: the Center for geostrategic studies aspires to become one of the world's leading organizations in the field of geopolitics. He also wants to become a local brand. We will try to interest the public in Serbia in international topics and gather all those interested in protecting state and national interests, strengthening sovereignty, preserving territorial integrity, preserving traditional values, strengthening institutions and the rule of law. We will act in the direction of finding like-minded people, both in the domestic and in the world public. We will focus on regional cooperation and networking of related NGOs, both at the regional and international level. We will launch projects at the international level to support the repositioning of Serbia and the preservation of territorial integrity. In cooperation with media houses, we will implement projects that are focused on these goals. We will organize education of interested public through conferences, round tables and seminars. We will try to find a model for the development of the organization that would enable the financing of the activities of the Center. Build a future together: If you are interested in cooperating with us, or to help the work of the Center for geostrategic studies, please contact us by e-mail:

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